Yeah, so I avoided doing a fresh install because I need to take my laptop
apart to remove the mouse everytime I install...  You need to install a C
compiler... either install pgcc , pgcc - c++, pgcc-obj and dependencies from
your CD, of ftp 

Here is the url were to get it:
now scroll down until you find this line:
gcc-2.95.2-4mdk Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, Chill, ...)
once you download it here is the command to install it

rpm -ivh <name of the RPM>
*** Compliments of Derrick Judge***

You need the development packages too... at the very least you want to
install glibc-devel for C programs and libstdc++-devel for C++
programs.  You may also want several others like gtk-devel, qt-devel,
etc... any time you get that kind of error when compiling, check to make
sure you have 'devel' packages for all the stuff that program requires.
*** Compliments of Thomas.j.Hamman***

Aaron newbie2

> Radar wrote:
>> I have seen several people post a message with the same error as I am
>> getting, but with no answer as to how to fix it:
>> I am attempting to install mysql onto my  system
>>>> I run the ./configure script, but get the error..
>>>> checking for gcc... no
>>>> checking for cc... no
>>>> configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
>> I have done a fresh install, selecting the server install option.
>> Could someone explain why this is happening and how to fix it?
>> Regards,
>> Terry
> Do another install, choose "custom" & make sure you select the
> "Development tools", they are what you need.

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