Lets see if I can remeber now.
First try "rpm -Uvh netcape72blahblah.rpm" for both files.
If that doesn't work, try "rpm -Uvh --force netscape72blahblah.rpm" for both
And if it still says it's having conflicts, then do "rpm -e
netscape-communicator" and "rpm -e netscape-common" to
i have downloaded netscape communicato 4.72 navigator 4.72 and netscape common 4.72
and continue to get the following errors when trying to install them when trying
netscape common i get dependency prob
netscape common is needed by netscape communicator-4.70-6mdk
netscape-common is needed by n
2.0 glibc is what you want. However, I would suggest you not bother with
compiliing and installing it from a .tar.gz. Instead use a RPM from here:
http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHSA207-02.6.0.html to update it. And
yes, it will work on Mandrake even though it's from redhat.
> i am in
i am interested in upgrading communicator and notice on the netscape site it
lists 3 different kinds of linux 1.2 2.0 2.0 glibc which one do i choose ?