I'm using Mandrake 7.0. And then I'm trying to connect my Linux to Windoze
98 SE. Linux has IP address with host name Craven.net , and
Windoze has address with host name teteh.net. And then I test my
smb.conf by running :
    [root@Craven /root]# testparm teteh.net (
And then I get an error message like this :
    Load smb config files from /etc/smb.conf
    Loaded serveices OK
    Deny connection from teteh.net ( to homes.
    Allow connection from teteh.net ( to printers
    Allow connection from teteh.net ( to Linuxer
    Allow connection from teteh.net ( to Nieda

How to fix this error ? My Linux box, can appear at Network Neighborhood.
But I can't copy files from Linux to Windoze.
And this is my smb.conf :
           workgroup = QUAKE
           server string = QUAKE SERVER
           security = SHARE
           null passwords = Yes
           log level = 0
           log file = /var/log/samba/log.%a
           max log size = 50
           socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
           os level = 0
           domain master = Yes
           dns proxy = No
           comment = Craven.net
           hosts allow =,

           comment = Home Directories
           path = /home/%u
           read only = No
           guest ok = Yes
           hosts allow =,

           comment = All Printers
           path = /var/spool/samba
           print ok = Yes
           browseable = No

           comment = Testing
           path = /root
           read only = No
           guest only = Yes
           guest ok = Yes

           comment = komputer Windoze
           path = /tmp
           read only = No
           guest only = Yes
           guest ok = Yes
           hosts allow =,

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