Here is one to think on.  I used the Partition Magic 6.0 to configure my hard drive, so that I could run multiple Os's.  I chose to use "Boot Magic" to boot the different Os'es from.
Here is the problem.  In order for Boot magic to pick up the correct place to start Mandrake, I found the only way to do this was to put the Lilo/grub boot on the partition, and not MBR.   And this works great.  My problem began when I went from the "downloaded" version of mandrake7.2 to the "powerpack deluxe 7.2".   being a purist, I decided to format the Linux partitons and start over with a clean install of this "deluxe" version.   What I found out was that the "deluxe" version has serious configuration problems,  a perpetual loop bug, that continually will ask for "cd#1" but when you put the cd in there it does not recognize the file that it is supposed to be looking for!  On top of that, the Mandrake update is flawed, and it is near impossible to update ANY of the files to a workable version.
The workaround that I did with Denis' assistance:
1.  I formatted the Linux partitions again, into / , /home and swap.
2.  I installed the "download version" of 7.2, putting 'boot' on / (root) drive
3.  I configured video, and (with much hassle) my ISA AWE64 soundcard. (gotta be a better way)
4. I reinstalled the "deluxe" version as an "update" to the "downloaded" install, and was forced by the software to put ANOTHER boot on the /(root) drive.
5. I configured Boot magic to find the boot for linux in the  / (root).   And the updated deluxe started fine! and it saved the audio configuration (yay!), but I did have to reset the configuration of the Video card,  video resolution (800x600) and color depth (24bit).
Two new issues came up, however! 
1.  For some reason, it took 3 runs at installing to pick up all of the packages, on the full install of  "deluxe" version!  Perhaps my partitions were too small?  / was 3000mb /home 70mb and swap 70mb (I have 256meg ram in system).
2.  When I did the extra installs, I was forced my 7.2 to put a boot on MBR or / .  Each time I chose /.    So what I have is a LILO/GRUB with a "linux" selection, and several "OLD linux" boot selections.
How do I get rid of the extra boots "named old linux" from LILO/GRUB without disturbing the working "linux" boot?  >From the console? and what are the commands?  I know it is not as simple as format /mbr! (like on the master boot record)
Thanks much, and I hope you can solve my problems, and that I have shown you a workaround for Partition Magic that I came up with, and this problem with "deluxe". 

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