David Sexton wrote:

Can any one tell me how to setup how swap on my Linux laptop?

'hot swap'

never used it, but, until someone else with experience replies;

change ftab to no dvd, 'mount -a', swap in floppy, change ftab
to show floppy, 'mount -a'.

easier, have 3 files, ftab-d with dvd shown, ftab-f with flop show,
ftab-n with neither.

to hot swap;
 'cp -f ftab-n ftab;mount -a' to clear and allow removal.
 'cp -f ftab-d ftab;mount -a' for dvd,
 'cp -f ftab-f ftab;mount -a' for flop.

above 3 cli's could be 3 scripts and called by 3 single names.

read 'man ftab' and 'man mount' before attempting and at your own risk.

if it where my system, i would try it. might not work, then again...

peace out.


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