Hi- Just loaded Mandrake 7 (and installed my new cd burner), and I'm
running into problems with mounting my ls120 drive.
I have a cd burner, which was detected just fine, and after changing
/mnt/cdrom to point to /dev/sr0. I was able to mount it with no
My ls120 drive seems to be detected as a SCSI device (may be because it
uses ATAPI?) and is assigned to /dev/sda. When I try and mount the drive
(mount /dev/sda -t vfat /mnt/ls120), I get the following error message:
mount: block device /dev/sda is write protected, mounting read only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, or too
many mounted file systems
I also checked /var/log/messages and found and messages about illegal
 requests and "fat bread failed".
Any ideas on how to fix?

Thanks in advance- jhmilos

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