i'd like to thank dave & charles & the folks that offered help my lilo/
win2000 problem. unfortunately, i'm still having trouble with it :(

i installed the latest lilo build and went into linuxconf and told lilo to use
the linear option (which supposedley takes care of reading larger hard discs
like mine - a 20gig with win2000), I reboot and get the 1's and 0's...i then
edit my /etc/lilo.conf file by adding the lba32 line before my win2000 drive
entry, saved, restarted, and 1's and 0's again. I have tried installing lilo to
the mbr, to the root dir, and to hda1 where my win2000 partition sits on the
1st hdd without any luck; when i run /sbin/lilo in a term it gives the
following output:

Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible
Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible
Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible
Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible
Added linux
Added windows
Added floppy

so that's it...does anybody have the slightest idea as to why this is not
working? my win2000 part is FAT32, and not NTFS! i've done 4 linux installs on
4 different  win95-98 machines without any problems and cant figure this one
out. please, for the love of god somebody help!

p.s. i know there is a NHF at linuxnewbie.org for this, but if there's any way
i can get through this without adding another partition on my win2000 drive
for lilo, it'd be great (if no, then ah well....hell with it - boot with the
floppy :(

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