Hi all,

Just wanted to ask a couple of questions and pass judgement on stuff :-)

Firstly, can you download the kernel src file and use RPM --rebuild on it
So that it is created as a i686 or above ??
or do you have to do the whole normal compile?? I ask, because I am
considering upgrading my kernel to 2.4 but I want to keep ipchains as well
as be able to use iptables when the time comes.. so I don't know what
modules are selected by default with mdk.


Does the standard mdk2.4.4 kernel support ipchains and iptables, or just
iptables (see above question.)??

I have alot of scripts (perl) that send mail via sendmail, but I am
interested in switching over to postfix..
now I have read that postfix is sendmail compatable so I am wondering if all
I have to do is put a symolic link to postfix where sendmail is usually
found to enable the scripts to work...can any one tell me if this is the

Forthly, Has anyone upgraded to kernel 2.4.4 with 7.2 mdk? and if so, did
you have any trouble? I am just concerned because I have reiserfs and alot
of other stuff, and I'd like to try it, but really don't like the idea of a
reinstall to fix problems.. (I currently have 2.2.19-4. Is it even worth
using 2.4.4 ? I mean is it faster? is iptables any better at port
forwarding, firewalling and that sort of thing?

Lastly, I have watched the kde speed issue emails with interest, I have it
installed on many PC's down to 200mmx and 64mb ram, and it has never shown
any problem with speed... no slower then the previous kde that I can tell..
(I mentioned this in an earlier post..)
So, I was wondering...  has anyone with one of the slow KDE2 problem tried
downloading the src rpms and rebuilding them to suit your system?? or
compiling them from scratch? if so, did it make any difference to speed?

I have known about rpm --rebuild *.*.src.rpm for a while now, but never
thought much of it.... now I think its the greatest... I couldn't find a
mandrake ipmasqadm rpm, and the closest I could find was the latest version
of the src from another distro (wasn't redhat either..) anyway, I rebuilt
it, and installed the created RPM, and it works fantastic, and it created an
i686 rpm, so now I have port forwarding working fantastic with mdk7.2.

anyway, any help would be mucho appreciated..

kindest regards


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