Well folks, after all the great suggestions regarding my planned SOHO
setup & administration I thought I'd ask the next question that comes to
my feeble little mind.

Is it possible to split the /home mounts over several drives / machines
and still refer to them as /home.  Does NIS / NFS handle this (I know
RTFM and I am it's just that "inquiring minds gotta know" and I haven't
gotten that far YET).  I suppose this would be a problem with ISP's as
they add users with each requiring drive space.  Perhaps a better way to
phrase the question is how does one grow their required /home space,
does one simply substitute a larger drive as the old one fills or can
you gracefully expand your /home partition across multiple drives?

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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