Mandrake wrote:
> How come when I try to make it launch realplayer it just gives me
> a bunchof shint about "can't launch realplayuer"
> I don't wqtn to hear that rubbish, I just watn it to run realplaer.
> I even use the menu uditor and I use full path /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay
> and nothing happens so I clicked 1000 times and still worthless click.
> damn it I am very pissed off!!!!!
> --
> Linux is cool

Before you explode, take a deep breath and check the Linux-Mandrake
newbie mail archives? I have posted the steps many times. However, I'll
provide the entire instructions one more time. 

You must add several entries for the streaming media/video and audio to
work. Hopefully, in the future will improve their support
(I wouldn't hold my breath) for their Unix/Linux binary and rpms. For
now, their support is poor. This applies to Netscape:

Start up Netscape:

Select Edit->Preferences->Navigator->Applications

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter the following settings:
Description: RealMedia File
MIMEType: application/vnd.rn-realmedia
Suffixes: .rm
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
Click on the "OK" button

Very Important: The %s switch activates the streaming feature in
RealPlayer. If you do not add "%s", it will NOT work. 

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter the following settings:
Description: RealVideo File
MIMEType: video/vnd.rn-realvideo
Suffixes: .rv
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
Click on the "OK" button

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter the following settings: 
Description: RealAudio File
MIMEType: audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
Suffixes: .ra, .ram
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
Click on the "OK" button

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter the following settings:
Description: RealAudio File 2
MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: .ra, .ram
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
click on the "OK" button

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter thef following settings: 
Description: Live365
MIMEType: audio/x-scpls
Suffixes: .pls
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
Click on the "OK" button

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter the following settings: 
Description: MPEG Audio
MIMEType: audio/mpeg
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
Click on the "OK" button

Select the "New" button to call up a new MIME type.
Enter the following settings: 
Description: MPEG Audio 2
MIMEType: audio/x-mpegurl
Suffixes: .m3u
Application: /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay %s
Click on the "OK" button

Select File->Exit
Restart your web browser. During the first start up you may be prompted
for your email address, country of origin and postal zip code
address. You MUST fill in these fields to get RealPlayer working for the
first time. That's it!

Now you are ready to enjoy, music and streaming audio and video.

Please make a print out of this for future reference.

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
    but the start of a new journey"

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