My system is a PII, 450 w/ 64 megs ram, I have a i740 video card installed. 
Using the outline in the readme files for the binary release of the driver, I
updated the librarys for xf86config , tared and linked the file, installed the
rpm of the i740 driver, configured the xf86config file as needed.  Everything
went fairly well, but my question is this, when I startx in the different color
paletes the control panel information in KDE states that I am still running the
Xfree86 3.3.3 driver and not the i740 driver.  Also as I change screen
resolutions the information panel does not update the video status Does anyone
know what and if the indications are for using the i740 binary are.  Because in
the readme portion it states the card should be listed as a SVGA card so I am
quessing as to what the correct indications are. 
thanks for any help.....

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