I had been able to connect to the net via Netscape and kppp. Then when I
was in NJ recently, I connected one day, then the next I couldn't. I've
gone thru the kppp setup ( I had to create another entry for the new
number to connect to there - I've got several so if I go back to these
places it's just a pulldown) even deleting the newly created one and
copying a known good one, but no go.

Now that I'm home, the regular one doesn't work. In fact it behaves the
same way my main machine does. That is, the dial up works fine, then
starting netscape, it just barely gets the outline drawn, no icons or
anything else, just the looking for ... at the bottom and the watch.
This is absolutely driving me crazy!

I have yet to look at the stuff that Randy Meyer suggested, but that's
next.  In the meantime, if any of you out there have figured this out,
please let me know!

For the record:
Laptop - Dell latidude, mandrake 7.1 with ppp-2.4 upgrade; 3com 556
pcmcia and the corresponding upgrade for that to; as I said, had been ok
'til last week.

main sys:
Hardware: AMD K6 500; 128MB; 30GB; FIC 1st Mainboard w/ VIA 503+
chipset; Aceex DM-56V14 modem, specific chipset unknown.
Software: Mandrake 7.2 ISO I downloaded onto CD - both discs


#list of my machines at home when I'm all there!
ipaddr    full.name    alias

search  (that's my earthlink acct)
nameserver    (ditto)

/etc/ppp/options:  (default)
noipdefault  (also tried w/o the last 2)

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