On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > > > "You must install the program SHARE.EXE before starting those
> > > > programs.
> > > > To install the program SHARE.EXE, you have to read the documentation
> > > > related to the DOS Operating System."
> > > > 
> > > > As "root", I do not have such a message and the program runs fine.
> > > > 
> > > > How can I do to make it run for someone else than "root" ?
> > > > Thanks. Francois
> > > 
> > > =============================
> > > Try changing the permissions on the executable so that users can execute. 
> > > Right click on the program, go to properties and check all of the appropriate
> > > boxes.
> > 
> > I did that already, 
> > 
> > The permissions are 555 for all files, except the ini files which are
> > 755.
> >. For "root", it works like a charm ;-(
> > Francois
> Try this as root:  cd to the directory where SHARE.EXE is located
> #ls -l SHARE.EXE             (you should see something like this   -rwxr -xr -x)
> #chmod +s SHARE.EXE      (this should change it to -rwsrwsrwx)
> No promises. but it has sometimes worked for me.  Good Luck

I do not have a file SHARE.EXE, but ......
I found a way to make it works ;-))
I changed the permissions for the "/var/lib/wine" the
"/var/lib/wine/windows", the
"/var/lib/wine/windows/Fonts" and the "/var/lib/wine/windows/system"
directories. They were "drwxr-xr-x" and I changed them to
Now everything works like a charm ;-)
Hope this help someone else.

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