Howdy list.  My first question for you all.

I have been following the cd burner discussions of the
last few days avidly since I have an IDE burner that I
could never get to either read or write cds in linux. 

Last night after work I followed the instructions on
the mandrake user site that someone posted a link to
and I can now read from my cd burner as root and as
all the other users on my system.  WooHoo!

But, when I log out X hangs.  It shows the graphical
login screen, a blinking cursor and the mouse pointer
but nothing responds.  Mouse won't move, keyboard
input is not recognized.  Kaput.  All that can be done
is hit that reset button that I hate using.

I am using Mandrake 7.02
logitech first mouse+ ps/2
generic keyboard ps/2
asus p5a motherboard
amd k6-3 400 cpu
LG CD burner                                     HDD
generic CDrom drive                              HDC
netgear FA310TX NIC
ATI rage fury AGP
dual boot via boot magic
windows on first HD                              HDA
linux on second, LILO in 10 meg /boot on 2nd HD  HDB
HP 15in monitor
256MB of Ram

I have backups of all the files I had to change to get
the burner working so I can (probably) just change
everything back the way it was but that would be very
productive would it ;-)

Any insights will be greatly appreciated folks.


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