Here is what I did.
I installed the development version of Mandrake. I couldn't ever get it to
compile until some kind soul recommended installing the development version
*always* since most things that you would want to use need to be compiled
and without the appropriate support tools that are installed in the
development install you are *screwed*.

I removed (use rpm, rpmdrake etc.) the installed version of php3 just to be
safe. I think they can coexist but *why*?
Download the latest version from
untar it to someplace, I used /usr/share since that seemed to be where most
things went.
Follow the directions inside the readme.

After compiling OK:
Be sure to edit your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, near the end you will
have to modify the path to where it loads the php module from something

LoadModule php4_module        lib/apache/


LoadModule php4_module        /usr/lib/apache/

issue an apachectl restart to see if it works. If apache won't restart check
your /var/log/httpd/error_log for details on why it's puking.

If you want to get mysql access working at the same time be sure to use the
appropriate --with-mysql option when running your configure script

Good luck :)


Ran Hooper

-----Original Message-----
From: majid L [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 7:17 AM
Subject: [newbie] /** How to install and compile apache and php in Linux
Mandrake */

Hi I am new in Linux Mandrake, I've just install it, now I need to install
apache and php, please I will appreciate if you can show me how to do
it, I have already downloaded apache and php in my windows 98,
please would you tell me :
1) where to copy the binary files apache and  php in Mandrake.
2)and where ( which directory) and how to install them ( I am newbie
I have never install or compile in Linux, this will be my first time).
Thank you very much.
" Even the longuest journey has to start with a small first step"
majid L

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