I usually say "I choose not to use windows because of its
characteristics, it is of no use to me."

I tend to get far less flames for that one.

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'll go with this one too .... although I know things are changing. I love
> a good debate (notice no flaming or whining ... I'm just responding =o))
> everyone has view points and this type of communication is essential to
> everyone who wants to support the O/S.  Hell,  no code gets written or
> perfected without LOTS of debates (read some of the kernel comments in the
> source sometime) and nothing progresses without active communication
> including ALL sides ... I too am really tired of Windows versus Linux
> flames ..... its a juvenile display of "mines bigger than yours" that will
> never get solved without open minds ... another big part of open source. I
> have worked on the implementation of Linux Opensource in Enterprise
> (contributor to some opensource projects as well) and it's the "mine's
> bigger than yours" debates that people read off the net that have made my
> job so bloody hard at times.  But it's all about ethical business and doing
> it becasue it's right .... not just becasue it's a preference ...
> eventually this gets recognized and we get passed the *little* debates.
> I am taking a different stand on the subject ..... I love open source and
> what it does for everyone...I love Linux too ... I do NOT want to see Linux
> on everones desktop .... some people just aren't ready .. and as a UNIX it
> will never be a Windows Killer and why should it be ... I totally believe
> it is better in every way ... for me.  If you want something to be "The
> Windows Killer" get the newest version of Windows and Kill the old one.
> If you are looking for an almost litteral replacement ofr Windows with a
> Unix/X windows feel use a MAC (its where the windows Idea came from anyway)
> in my experience it is a closer replacement to Windows but way more stable
> (yes I like MAC's too) G4's are sweet ... anyway .... if you are looking
> for something (IMHO) *better* than windows and you are willing you get a
> little intimate with what your machine is actually doing .... I'm guessing
> if you're on this list .... you already have the solution installed.
> Lonny Selinger

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