
Take a look at this web site .  It contains thousands of
forums & newsgroups searchable by keyword.  Just make sure you have a
somewhat decent connection, I do not think that I would try it at 28.8 or
below.  BTW the newsgroup sounds great.  I have yet to install Mandrake,
look forward to the cd in the mailbox.

Steven Miller

Life, don't talk to me about life.  Brain as large as a planet and they make
me do this, call that job satisfaction cause I don't.

When the news server goes down, all the previous messages are gone
forever!  I know there are other ways to access these newsgroups, but
I don't know what they are or how to use them, except through AOL.  If
you do create a new newsgroup, please tell us how to get to it other
than through our local ISP's news server.



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