On 13-Mar-2000 Nicholas Imfeld wrote:
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: RE: [newbie] imwheel: not working
> Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:34:39 -0500
> From: Nicholas Imfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, you wrote:
>> On 12-Mar-2000 Claus Atzenbeck wrote:
>> > I was reading the installation guide for imwheel; I did everything
>> > what I've been told, but my wheel is still not working.
>> > 
>> > Here is my pointer section of /etc/X11/XF86Config:
>> > 
>> > Section "Pointer"
>> >    Protocol "PS/2"
>> >    Device "/dev/psaux"
>> >    Resolution 100
>> >    Buttons 3
>> >    ZAxisMapping 4 5 EndSection
>> > EndSection
>> > 
>> > I was starting "imwheel -k" after I was restarting the X server.
>> > I have a Fujitsu 3 button wheel mouse.
>> > 
>> > Does anyone know how to get the wheel working?
>> > 
>> > Thanks a lot for your help!
>> > 
>> > Regards,
>> > Claus.
>> Mine works :-P *grin*. You forgot to adjust the Protocol:
>> Section "Pointer"
>>     Protocol    "IMPS/2"
>>     Device      "/dev/mouse"
>>         ZAxismapping 4 5
>> You might also have to copy /etc/X11/imwheelrc to your home directory and
>> rename it to '.imwheelrc'.
>> tom
>> -- 
>> "No fun, no gain"
>> Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
>> http://www.mandrakeuser.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I've tried many different things myself in attempts to get the mouse wheel 
> working.  But whenever I change the protocol from PS/2 to IMPS/2 then I shut
> down and restart X my mouse flips out and the cursor flys to the upper right
> hand corner of the screen.  Any thoughts on how to get it to work.  
> -- 
> Nic
> -------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
> Nic

Brand of mouse? Brand of graphics card? 


"No fun, no gain"
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
http://www.mandrakeuser.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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