When they bought HotMail, they tried to convert the servers to NT, but
it was a complete disaster (as you might imagine.)  So they had to
switch back to the original platform.

I don't recall which unix flavor it was though.  Something in the back
of my mind says BSD.

- M
Sunday, July 02, 2000, 5:27:05 PM, you wrote:

JA> Microsoft uses Linux on its servers????
JA> Who on earth told you that??/

JA> On Sun, 02 Jul 2000, also sprach:
>> MS makes applications for Mac OS and others, but nothing for Linux. It seems 
>> especially strange considering that Microsoft choose Linux to run it's 
>> Hotmail webservers, instead of NT! I wonder how long until MS Linux comes 
>> out? Will Linux ever replace the old "Quick and Dirty OS" (that's what it 
>> was known as before Bill bought it out from a small Seattle company in 
>> 1980)? Then a future version of Windows could just be a Windows manager like 
>> KDE with X.
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