Hello Kaj, Saturday, June 14, 2003, 6:18:06 PM, you wrote:
KH> it is beyond me how this great nation can tolerate that gang of KH> crooks ? Follow the money. M$ wants to control or even take over the net. In doing so, they will get a lot of people upset, and they are preparing for that. M$ has a flood of expensive ads whose message is basically "what a nice company we are." Why would they spend so much $$ on such a thing unless they were going to do something obnoxious? They learned their lesson about politics too. M$ is pouring serious $$ into buying politicians. They realize their doings may start serious complaints by the public, and scre*ed companies, to their politicians, and they need to be set up to counter that with heavy lobbying (bribes - ooops - campaign contributions). I also believe that M$ is trying to control what is said in the media. With the many consolidations going on, that will be easier. After all, there are many expensive M$ ads that might be placed if the media is 'nice'. Follow the money. Enough ranting for now... :-) -- Thank you, rikona mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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