On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 17:35:53 -0500
William Oswald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm sorry I kinda barged in before with that Diamond Stealth question,
Mandrake does seem quite nice, keep up the good work people...

I should have kept my old video card around tho..<G>

> I enthusiastically agree!
> At 04:33 PM 12/28/98 -05:0, you wrote:
> >Amidst all the problems you guys are handling, I thought I would just 
> >let you know that I downloaded the Mandrake distribution CD-ROM 
> >image from ftp.cs.univ-paris8.fr, wrote it to a CD, and successfully 
> >installed Mandrake on the first try. This is a great idea, and I hope 
> >you continue it as versions go on...
> >
> >Thank you,
> >
> >Bruce Endries
> >Bruce Endries Consulting
> >(607) 433-2677
> >
> >
>  |=====
>  |~~ William Oswald (and family) -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  |=====

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