Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's not so much the pretty backgrounds and cool fonts we care about,
it's the amount of bloat that comes with it that bothers most of us. 
Those tags for fonts, packaged backgrounds and everything else blooms
the message size tremendously.  Posting in HTML alone causes a doubling
in message size (it transmits both text-only and the marked up text). 
Please, not all of us have cable modems or T3's dropped into our
computer rooms... 

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation
I've never utilized one of the "pretty backgrounds".  In responding to
students' requests for help with an essay examination, it is sometimes helpful
if I can make use of red, or italics, or bold.  But actually the point I was
originally making was that w/o out "bells & whistles" OE works pretty well and
IF the functionality is ever need, the ability to READ html mail is not what i
would consider a liability.....
NS Messenger is not bad, but in Linux I prefer Kmail (although it doesn't seem
to handle html.

COL 2.2   Linux 2.2.5
It's a fresh wind the Blows Against the Empire

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