> On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 02:07:07AM -0600, Jose Alberto Abreu wrote:
> > Greetings, you-who-are-wiser-than-i-am:
> > 
> > Problem is... my monitor is a complete mystery. Its an old Compaq that 
> > a friend gave to me, it was part of his 386 setup...  In windblows, 
> > it works as "standard VGA monitor" and also works under "Acer 11D", but 
> > fails to enable 800-600 resolution in both cases (I use it in 640x480)...
> > 
> > Can I use this under Linux? Can i get it to run 800-600?
> You won't have any problems at all with that monitor.  The Xconfigurator
> tool even knows what an AcerView 11D is!  Just choose that monitor, and
> you'll be all set.
> As for 800x600, X is nice, but it's not a miracle worker!  I would imagine
> that the limiting factor is probably the monitor -- it just won't go any
> higher.  So, you'll probably be stuck at 640x480.

Thank you for your help...

> > PD.- How about a Genius Netmouse with the wheel at the middle?
> I'm not familiar with the wheel-mice, but I know others on this list are
> using them.  Hopefully, someone will pop-up with a quick answer.

I was wondering cuz I heard Linux uses the middle button in many mice...

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