Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Stefano Salari
--- Alberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Grandiso..ho fatto come hai detto tu e ho istallato il tutto! Adesso xine sta in usr/bin Penso sia tutto ok Ma quando digito da terminale xine per lanciare la suddetta appl mi dice che gli manca E' strano, anche a me mancavano le

Re: [newbie-it] Star Office 6

2002-02-13 Per discussione Barbara
Qualcuno di voi ha già provato ad installare Star Office 6 beta? Sapete dirmi se è stabile e soprattutto se vale la pena di sostituire la versione 5.2. Star Office 6 va abbastanza bene, io lo uso senza problemi :) , tranne 1, che pero' ho anche con Star office 5.2 :( (L' abbastanza e' riferito

Re: [newbie-it] Slackware e ISDN

2002-02-13 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano
On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:10:06 +0100 syd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mi rivolgo a tutta la lista ma in particolare a chi usa una slack 8 (ciao mike!!): scrivo per conto di un mio amico con il quale circa un mese fa decidemmo di migrare su linux... io mdk, lui slack. Il suo problema attuale è

Re: [newbie-it] volume

2002-02-13 Per discussione gigi
Il 15:03, lunedì 11 febbraio 2002, hai fatto finta di scrivere: Il giorno 10:53, lunedì 11 febbraio 2002 hai scritto: ciao a tutti ho un problema con l'audio: non riesco a regolare il volume se non dalle casse. Ciao, da KDE ti basta andare nel menù K, poi in Multimedia, quindi in Suono;

Re: [newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] Cattiva qualità di stampa e problema con floppy

2002-02-13 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Il giorno 15:06, martedì 12 febbraio 2002 hai scritto: Kups non trova tra i modelli lexmark il mio (optra e) e vai con la sfiga :-\ Scusa, ma non avevi detto che l'installazione di Linux riconosce il tuo modello senza problemi? Quindi dovrebbe essere già installata, perchè devi

[newbie-it] problemi di lilo

2002-02-13 Per discussione jclark
Buongiorno la tutti, mi trovo davanti ad un curioso problema e piu' precisamnete a quanto segue un Amico mi ha chiesto di configurargli linux su un suo pc la macchina e' un k6 2 con tre dischi fissi di cui uno scasi da 4 GB gli ho installato la mandrake 8.1 tutto regolare e tranquillo sino al

Re: [newbie-it] problemi di lilo

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
Non ricordo con precisione, ma circa un paio di settimane fa, qualcun altro ha avuto il tuo stesso problema e mi ricordo che era stata fornita una risposta. Se dai un'occhiata alla mailing list, forse puoi trovare la soluzione. Saluti Mario Mario Lodi Rizzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
Qualcuno ha mai installato lo scanner in oggetto? Grazie Mario Mario Lodi Rizzini [EMAIL PROTECTED] (o_ Membro del FoLUG //\ Forlì Linux Users Group V_/_

[newbie-it] Stampante laser PANASONIC KXP-4500i

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
Non essendo presente il driver per la stampante in oggetto, ho utilizzato quello della KXP-4500 che è molto simile. Premetto che la stampante ha almeno una decina d'anni e non supporta postscript. Sotto WinZoz funziona perfettamente, mentre quando stampo con CUPS sembra di essere in

Re: [newbie-it] Star Office 6

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
A proposito di StarOffice o di OpenOffice Dove diavolo si può trovare un decente tutorial per chi desidera cimentarsi nell'utilizzo delle API con StarBasic (o con Java visto che pare che sia supportato?) Grazie Mario Mario Lodi Rizzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Ancora PnP

2002-02-13 Per discussione syd
Alle 18:28, martedì 12 febbraio 2002, hai scritto: cut Si Io preferisco consigliare di togliere il supporto pnp da lilo/grub per due ragioni: - molti hanno paura a toccare il bios - molti hanno anche win che (credo) preferisce avere il supporto da bios ciao, andrea Capisco. Grazie --

Re: [newbie-it] Star Office 6

2002-02-13 Per discussione Giovanni Coan
Il 15:32, martedì 12 febbraio 2002, hai scritto: Qualcuno di voi ha già provato ad installare Star Office 6 beta? Sapete dirmi se è stabile e soprattutto se vale la pena di sostituire la versione 5.2. No, non ne vale la pena... è lento come la 5.2, instabile e ... vantaggi zero! Grazie,

Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi
Alberto wrote: Potresti installare quelle che ci sono nei cd della mandrake; non ricordo come si chiama l'rpm (e qui in ufficio sono su WinNT), ma puoi cercare png con rpmdrake. Ciao! Steo. Di istallato ho le libpng2 ma se ne frega..e adesso che faccio? Levo le due e metto le 3?ma quei

Re: [newbie-it] Stampante laser PANASONIC KXP-4500i

2002-02-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Mario Lodi Rizzini wrote: Non essendo presente il driver per la stampante in oggetto, ho utilizzato quello della KXP-4500 che è molto simile. Premetto che la stampante ha almeno una decina d'anni e non supporta postscript. Sotto WinZoz funziona perfettamente, mentre quando stampo con CUPS

Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Alberto
On 13-02-2002 13:51, Marco Canapicchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mi sa che e' la versione 0.9.5 di xine a dare problemi.. una cosa simile me l'ha data anche a me Prova con la 0.9.8: io l'ho installata ed e' tutto ok. Va bene anche con gli RPM. Ciao Fatto anche questo..mentre lo istallo

[newbie-it] Elettronica

2002-02-13 Per discussione Pollo
Vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi conosce un buon programma con interfaccia grafica per la simulazione di circuiti elettronici. Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Elettronica

2002-02-13 Per discussione Giorgio Carrara
Il mer, 2002-02-13 alle 15:55, Pollo ha scritto: Vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi conosce un buon programma con interfaccia grafica per la simulazione di circuiti elettronici. Grazie, Pollo. Non ricordo come si chiami ma ho visto che c'è nei dischi di Mandrake 8.1. ( o nel KDE o nel GNOME

[newbie-it] Acer Scanner 320 ( o 340 ) U USB

2002-02-13 Per discussione Giorgio Carrara
Gradirei sapere, e come lo fa funzionare ) se qualcuno della Lista ha installato funzionante lo scanner Acer 320U o 340U ( dovrebbero essere la stessa cosa ) ringrazio in anticipo giocarra sono newbie e quindi preferirei usare interfaccie grafiche :-)

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
Scusa se ti rompo, ma a questo punto ti chiedo cortesemente qualche ragguaglio. Quanto segue l'ho fatto seguendo quanto riportato in Ho installato i backends di sane 1.0.7 Poi ho definito lo scanner con mknod /dev/usbscanner c 180 48 Infine ho inserito in

Re: [newbie-it] Stampante laser PANASONIC KX-P4450i

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
-- Initial Header --- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc : Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 14:27:03 +0100 Subject : Re: [newbie-it] Stampante laser PANASONIC KX-P4450i Mario Lodi Rizzini wrote: Non essendo presente il driver per la

Re: [newbie-it] Elettronica

2002-02-13 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 15:55, mercoledì 13 febbraio 2002, hai scritto: Vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi conosce un buon programma con interfaccia grafica per la simulazione di circuiti elettronici. Grazie, Pollo. Su mdk8.1 c'è klogic - nonl'ho ancora provato ma dovrebbe fare al caso tuo. Ciao Sandro -- Dr.

Re: [newbie-it] Stampante laser PANASONIC KX-P4450i

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
-- Initial Header --- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc : Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 14:27:03 +0100 Subject : Re: [newbie-it] Stampante laser PANASONIC KX-P4450i Mario Lodi Rizzini wrote: Non essendo presente il driver per la

Re: [newbie-it] volume

2002-02-13 Per discussione gigi
scusa se l'argomento non c'entra niente.. visto che hai una sk audio uguale alla mia volevo chiederti un favore: potresti mandarmi le risultanze del comando lsmod digitato da root. Mi faresti davvero un gran favore perche' ho pasticciato col kernel ed ora non sento piu' nessun suono e

Re: [newbie-it] Star Office 6

2002-02-13 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 09:25, mercoledì 13 febbraio 2002, hai scritto: [cut] per avviare Star Office ho dovuto creare un link al file 'soffice' con menudrake, giusto per evitare ogni volta di dover digitare una lunga riga di comando o dover andare a spulciare tra i files :( se c'e' una spiegazione/soluzione

[newbie-it] ECLiPt Roaster

2002-02-13 Per discussione Pollo
Qualcuno di voi sa come creare CDROM multisessione con il programma in oggetto o anche con altri? Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Elettronica

2002-02-13 Per discussione Pollo
Il mer, 2002-02-13 alle 17:40, Sandro ha scritto: Alle 15:55, mercoledì 13 febbraio 2002, hai scritto: Vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi conosce un buon programma con interfaccia grafica per la simulazione di circuiti elettronici. Grazie, Pollo. Su mdk8.1 c'è klogic - nonl'ho ancora

Re: [newbie-it] Star Office 6

2002-02-13 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Il 21:32, martedì 12 febbraio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Star Office 6, Pollo ha scritto: Qualcuno di voi ha già provato ad installare Star Office 6 beta? funzia, soprattutto importa meglio, rispetto alla 5.2 i documenti creati con i vari 2000

[newbie-it] Galeon e java

2002-02-13 Per discussione Lele
Usando Galeon mi imbatto in siti che richiedono java e il browser mi dice di scaricarne i plugins, cosa che ho fatto, ma sneza ottenere risultati. Dove sbaglio ? e poi, in netscape o mozilla non ci sono plugins adatti ? Se si dove posso trovarli ed eventualmente copiarli ? Grazie per le

Re: [newbie-it] output

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
Esiste un emulatore di ambiente unix di GNU per WinZoz che si chiama CYGWIN (o qualcosa del genere), e mi sembra distribuito anche sul sito di Red Hat. Contiene praticamente tutti i programmi di shell (bash vim ls etc etc) e, quindi da bash puoi fare TUTTO quello che puoi fare su Unix.

Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Stefano Salari
--- Marco Canapicchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Alberto wrote: Di istallato ho le libpng2 ma se ne frega..e adesso che faccio? Levo le due e metto le 3?ma quei conflitti che mi dice darebber la libpng3 che cosa fanno? Non so che fare. Grazie ancora Ciao ciao alberto Mi

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
Sì, ho la MDK 8.1 Mario Lodi Rizzini [EMAIL PROTECTED] (o_ Membro del FoLUG //\ Forlì Linux Users Group V_/_ Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-13 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky
okay, i'm curious .. WHICH linus t book? Just for fun cheers, _ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Want to buy your Pack or Services from

[newbie] Setting Up Internet Connection

2002-02-13 Per discussione Tonton
Anyone could help, how could I setup my internet connection? I can connect to my ISP but there is no response when I'm connected, what should I do? and what dialer should I use the KPPP, or the Internet dialer and what are the parameters should I set in Linux? Here is my modem specs and

Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-13 Per discussione Pascal Goguey
2002 2? 13 ??? 13:40??: Id depends on what you want. For most of the people of this list (including me), Mandraje provides everything for the daily use. As for my frustrations: - No consistent cut paste; This can be frustrating if you use different toolkits. The

Re: [newbie] Firewall

2002-02-13 Per discussione Michael
mike wrote: Rodrigo wrote: Hello all ! What is the best way to make a firewall for a desktop station ? There aren't any servers running on my computer. Right after installing mdk8.1 I ran the control center and set the firewall answering the questions. Some time ago I decided to

Re: [newbie] Kernel or Module?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:57:45 -0500, Brian J. Trainor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Greetings, I have attempted a recompile of my kernel several times over now and can't seem to get it right. I need to install soundcore into the kernel, but I also need to install several different modules in

Re: [newbie] Space left

2002-02-13 Per discussione Paul
On 11 Feb 2002 06:36:58 -0500 Paul wrote: How do I see how much space is left on a drive? ls -lt doesn't show space left. I prefer command line. Thanks. Use df (Disk Free) or df -h (Human readable) Paul -- Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten. -B. F.

Re(4): [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-13 Per discussione Brian Durant
You trivialise the issue. Drivers are supposed to be written by hardware manufacturers (who actually know what the hardware is about), not by software/OS designers (who must reverse engineer the hardware to know how it works). Yes, you are of course correct in this, but I don't feel that I am

[newbie] gphoto or any digicam apps

2002-02-13 Per discussione christiyono
hi lists, I need application to activate my digital camera (retrieve picture from it), I have download rpm file from, do this file really run under mandrake 8.0? or any one have other suggestion about digicam apps? thank for u help... Want to buy your Pack or Services from

Re: Re(4): [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:57:07 +0700, Brian Durant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You trivialise the issue. Drivers are supposed to be written by hardware manufacturers (who actually know what the hardware is about), not by software/OS designers (who must reverse engineer the hardware to know how it

[newbie] Text Editing

2002-02-13 Per discussione Walter Logeman
Was: Re: Fw: [newbie] making a file from a man doc Yes i am familiar with the process you describe in Word. I wonder of Star Office has the same ability? The best editor I've found so far in Linux (IMHO) is nedit I have that here installed automatically in 8.1 and not tried it yet - will do

Re: [newbie] gphoto or any digicam apps

2002-02-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 18:48:07 +0700, christiyono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi lists, I need application to activate my digital camera (retrieve picture from it), I have download rpm file from, do this file really run under mandrake 8.0? or any one have other suggestion about

Re: [newbie] pdf maker

2002-02-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 13 February 2002 08:21, christiyono wrote: Hi... Is it any application in linux which able to make/convert any documents in pdf format? thank u for your info... chris If you print from a KDE application you will notice there is already a pseudo printer ready configured to

Re(6): [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-13 Per discussione Brian Durant
Is hardware support really as bad as you seem to make it sound? I've loaded various versions of Mandrake on a variety of different systems, and I've never had any problems that I couldn't easily fix. Hardware support has gotten amazingly good, actually. However, in fifteen to twenty minutes, I

[newbie] File size/partition search question?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Heh. As you can no doubt tell, I have trouble with subject headings at times... ;-) Anyways, my /usr partition is about 99% full (5.9 gigs). I know I've put a lot of space-intensive software there (read games). What I'd like to know is how I can see just -what- is taking up the most space. I

[newbie] Linux on an NT network - and more

2002-02-13 Per discussione George Pitcher
Hi all, This is my first post. I have Mandrake 7.0 installed on my 'docked' Dell laptop. I want to be able to print via ethernet to either of my network printers. Ethernet is working as I internet access and Apache is serving up the basic fare (so far). Can anyone tell me what I need to do (in

[newbie] Directory Structure

2002-02-13 Per discussione Paul Kraus
One of the reasons for switching to unix was the control over the os that it allows. But I must admit the may files are organized are completly chaotic. One install installs everything into one directory another spreads the files out to every single directory on your drive. How you can possibly

Re: [newbie] Linux on an NT network - and more

2002-02-13 Per discussione Dave Sherman
On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 07:27, George Pitcher wrote: Hi all, This is my first post. I have Mandrake 7.0 installed on my 'docked' Dell laptop. I want to be able to print via ethernet to either of my network printers. Ethernet is working as I internet access and Apache is serving up the

Re: [newbie] Linux on an NT network - and more

2002-02-13 Per discussione George Pitcher
Dave, Thanks for your response. Are these true network printers with their own IP address, or are they simple shared printers attached to a PC? Either way, Mandrake has Printer Setup tools to do the job, you just need to know what type of network printer you are setting up. They are 'shared'

[newbie] pcmcia

2002-02-13 Per discussione troy psx da silva
Please help me.. I install pcmcia-cs all ok.. and now ? what i do? please send me all explaint.. thanks __ Get your free Australian email account at Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?

Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?! (OT)

2002-02-13 Per discussione Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists
its unfortunate but linux still has a ways to go before its idiot friendly enough to become a mainstream desktop. why do i say this? my understandingof the mac is that the os goes down on the mac and the hardware is identified and drivers installed: painless windows is somewhat similar but

Re: [newbie] Directory Structure

2002-02-13 Per discussione Nicolas VERITE
Paul Kraus wrote: One of the reasons for switching to unix was the control over the os that it allows. But I must admit the may files are organized are completly chaotic. One install installs everything into one directory another spreads the files out to every single directory on your drive.

[newbie] Retry timeout exceeded?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Andre Dubuc
I haven't received messages from newbie since Sunday. I've received four failed mail deliveries ( returning message to sender, indicating it's a permanent error) with the message above. I can receive/send messages to other lists. What should I do to correct this? All other lists work. What

Re: [newbie] File size/partition search question?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Alaa The Great
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:13:59 -0500 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: du -h /usr /home/darklord/usr-filesize.txt Now, I've got a huge (300k) text file, which is better but what I want to do is filter or narrow the search down to filesizes of say, 512k or 1 meg or bigger...can I do

[newbie] uhm.. new cd-rw

2002-02-13 Per discussione Damian G
hi everyone, i've got a new one. ;o) i've been borrowed a cd-rw, so when i add it to my PC it's recognised OK and i can mount cd's on it, as /dev/hdd . now, ive tried two or three programs for burning cd's with it, and the error message is the same, it looks like it's only used as a

Re: [newbie] uhm.. new cd-rw

2002-02-13 Per discussione Gerald Waugh
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Damian G wrote: %_ hi everyone, i've got a new one. ;o) i've been borrowed a cd-rw, so when i add it to my PC it's recognised OK and i can mount cd's on it, as /dev/hdd . now, ive tried two or three programs for burning cd's with it, and the error message is the

Re: OT:Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione Meowth
It would have been nice if he would have talked nicer to me instead of shoving it up my butt, WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO ME WHEN I HAVE DONE NOTHIGN? DAMN IT IF ALL PEOPLE CAN BE IS MEAN THEN I QUIT!!!11 FUCK YOU ALL GOODBYE I QUIT I GIVE UP ON LINUX I GIVE UP ON

[newbie] Eithernet setup

2002-02-13 Per discussione Jeffrey Madore
Greetings all, I recently loaded Mandrake 8.1 and I need help in configuring my system to printer share, file share, and internet connection share, over my Linksys 10/100 network. My hardware is: celeron 700Mhz, intel 810 chipset, 512Meg ram. The other box on my network contains a cyrix 120

Re: [newbie] installation problems

2002-02-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 19:40:33 +0100 Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm actually a beginner. I've just installed Mandrake linux v.8.1 Everything seems ok but using both KDE or GNOME I get a large dotted square moving together with the cursor. Can anyone help me ? Thank

Re: [newbie] installation problems

2002-02-13 Per discussione Paul
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 19:40:33 +0100 Frank wrote: I'm actually a beginner. I've just installed Mandrake linux v.8.1 Everything seems ok but using both KDE or GNOME I get a large dotted square moving together with the cursor. Can anyone help me ? Thank You! Edit

[newbie] system log

2002-02-13 Per discussione Jeffrey Madore
In the system log, viewed in mandrake control center, what is the meaning of the occasional bracketed numbers in large black font? Thank you, Jeff Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] Buss speed

2002-02-13 Per discussione Jeffrey Madore
In the system log there is a line that reads IDE assuming 33 Mhz... My cpu is a celeron @ 700Mhz and I believe the buss speed is 66Mhz. My hard drive is new WD 40G (UDMA100?) Is the 33Mhz setting slowing me down? If so, and if I should make a change, how should I go about doing it? Please

[newbie] Problems booting linux mandrake 8.1

2002-02-13 Per discussione Wesley Hooiveld
Hello, I have just bought Linux mandrake 8.1 powerpack and I got a problem. After I installed (made bootdisk etc etc.) I try to boot I get the grub loader When the time runs out or when I hit enter it is supose to start linux right? Well when I hit enter or let the time run out I get the grub

[newbie] kernel sources

2002-02-13 Per discussione Roman Korcek
Hi everyone, I am trying to install the alsa-driver, but I don't have the kernel sources. Can someone please tell me where to get them from? My kernel version is 2.4.8-26mdk. Mark recommended but I think it'd be better to get the sources for *exactly* the kernel I have. I'd

Re: [newbie] uhm.. new cd-rw

2002-02-13 Per discussione Alaa The Great
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 19:05:09 + Damian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi everyone, i've got a new one. ;o) i've been borrowed a cd-rw, so when i add it to my PC it's recognised OK and i can mount cd's on it, as /dev/hdd . to use the CD you need SCSI emulation (this is when you make your

Re: [newbie] Buss speed

2002-02-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 14:44:36 -0500 Jeffrey Madore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In the system log there is a line that reads IDE assuming 33 Mhz... My cpu is a celeron @ 700Mhz and I believe the buss speed is 66Mhz. My hard drive is new WD 40G (UDMA100?) Is the 33Mhz setting slowing me down? If

Re: [newbie] kernel sources

2002-02-13 Per discussione Alaa The Great
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:14:27 +0100 Roman Korcek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (BTW: They are not on the installation CDs. And I tried kernel-2.4.8-26mdk.src.rpm but I guess that's not what I am looking for). the package for kernel sources is kernel-source it should be on the second

[newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
My Linux-Mandrake 8.1 PowerPack box was running NVIDIA drivers under X. I just upgraded my kernel to 2.4.8-34.1mdk, and can no longer get into X. I believe that I need to re-install the NVIDIA pieces, using NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i386.rpm and NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2313.mdk81smp.i686.rpm (by the way...

Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-13 Per discussione Gary Montalbine
Sridhar, I am very new to Linux. I found your comments very well written and informative. Thank you, Gary Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione db
Forget that ... I obviously just figured out the posting problem ... sorry, d. - Original Message - From: db [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 4:12 PM Subject: Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up I'm also new to the list and not seeing my

[newbie] 8.1 newbie security level question

2002-02-13 Per discussione db
I am new to Mandrake and Linux. During the install I setup the tiny firewall and changed the Security level to Medium. Upon revisting the security section (thru the KDE interface) twice since, it tells me that the firewall is in place but each time following a reboot the security level seems

Re: [newbie] Buss speed

2002-02-13 Per discussione Alaa The Great
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:04:53 -0500 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This question comes up every so often. The 33mhz listing you see is related to your FSB and your PCI devices. 33 is the normal and Only setting for all new/newer MOBOs. Older system using only either/or

Re: OT:Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione s
On Wednesday 13 February 2002 01:08 pm, you wrote: It would have been nice if he would have talked nicer to me instead of shoving it up my butt, WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO ME WHEN I HAVE DONE NOTHIGN? DAMN IT IF ALL PEOPLE CAN BE IS MEAN THEN I QUIT!!!11 FUCK

[newbie] uninstall/re-install KDE Kmail (8.1)?

2002-02-13 Per discussione db
I have gotten the KDE Kmail setup all fouled up ... how do I uninstall and reinstall it ... I can't find the program in the control area ... Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Looking for a site . . .

2002-02-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
Do you mean this one? Sridhar posted it as an example of a properly constructed page with CSS On Tuesday 12 February 2002 19:12, Andre Dubuc wrote: Sometime between July 2001 and January 2002, someone (on the newbie list) had given

Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione Gerald Waugh
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, db wrote: %_Forget that ... I obviously just figured out the posting problem ... sorry, d. Well, just for the record. What was the problem? -- Gerald Waugh Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione db
I'm also new to the list and not seeing my posts either ?? d. - Original Message - From: Meowth [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 2:03 PM Subject: Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up On Monday 11 February 2002 04:16 pm, so spoke

Re: [newbie] USB memory leak?

2002-02-13 Per discussione skinky
On Tuesday 12 February 2002 05:22, jeff wrote: I've been fighting a system hang up for several weeks now and it looks like the problem is with the USB service. All the problems go away when USB is disabled. When enabled the system sometimes hangs on shutdown. The random nature of all this

Re: [newbie] installation problems

2002-02-13 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 19:40:33 +0100, Frank wrote: I'm actually a beginner. I've just installed Mandrake linux v.8.1 Everything seems ok but using both KDE or GNOME I get a large dotted square moving together with the cursor. Can anyone help me ? Thank You! Francesco Well

Re: [newbie] Buss speed

2002-02-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 22:24:54 -0500 Alaa The Great [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:04:53 -0500 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This question comes up every so often. The 33mhz listing you see is related to your FSB and your PCI devices. 33 is the

Re: [newbie] 8.1 newbie security level question

2002-02-13 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
db wrote: I am new to Mandrake and Linux. During the install I setup the tiny firewall and changed the Security level to Medium. Upon revisting the security section (thru the KDE interface) twice since, it tells me that the firewall is in place but each time following a reboot the

[newbie] monitor

2002-02-13 Per discussione vasscon
My monitor,a 15'' Proview PK-572 isn't listed between the ones to select,in order to configure the Xserver at the end of the installation .Is there a conpatible model from an other company I could use? mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] greek fonts

2002-02-13 Per discussione vasscon
I tried to install (without success) Mandrake 7.0 I found in a PC-magazine.Does the latest distribution support greek fonts as well? mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free

[newbie] modem

2002-02-13 Per discussione vasscon
Using SuSe 7.0,I did not manage to get my modem identified.I have an internal modem Supra SST 56iPRO DF.Shall I have the same problem with Mandrake 8.1 ? mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your

[newbie] Re: Looking for a site . . .

2002-02-13 Per discussione Andre Dubuc
Thanks Derek, That's the one I was looking for! Btw, excuse the impersonal reply . . . I still cannot get any newbie mail in . . . have to view it via the mail archive (what a pain). Wish I knew how to fix that! Sigh . . . Regards, Andre -- Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust

Re: [newbie] Buss speed

2002-02-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 22:24:54 -0500 Alaa The Great [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:04:53 -0500 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This question comes up every so often. The 33mhz listing you see is related to your FSB and your PCI devices. 33 is the

Re: [newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-13 Per discussione s
On Wednesday 13 February 2002 02:43 pm, you wrote: My Linux-Mandrake 8.1 PowerPack box was running NVIDIA drivers under X. I just upgraded my kernel to 2.4.8-34.1mdk, and can no longer get into X. I believe that I need to re-install the NVIDIA pieces, using NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i386.rpm and

Re: Fw: [newbie] making a file from a man doc

2002-02-13 Per discussione Brendan
#!/bin/sh # ./man2txt umlug.1x.txt | less nroff -man | perl -pe 's/\cH.//g' | uniq # s,.\x08,,g; # Robert Schmertz #Though we don't have any underlines in our man page, this might not work #with underlines, since I've found that the underscore is usually

Re: [newbie] uhm.. new cd-rw

2002-02-13 Per discussione Damian G
hi everyone, i've got a new one. ;o) i've been borrowed a cd-rw, so when i add it to my PC it's recognised OK and i can mount cd's on it, as /dev/hdd . to use the CD you need SCSI emulation (this is when you make your programs thin you have a SCSI drive instead of an IDE one). to

Re: [newbie] Linux on an NT network - and more

2002-02-13 Per discussione Dave Sherman
On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 08:22, George Pitcher wrote: They are 'shared' printers without ip addresses, so please advise on how to activate them. You will need to set up your printers as Samba (or SMB) printers, where Samba is the application that allows your system to talk to Windows PCs and

Re: [newbie] Setting Up Internet Connection

2002-02-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 13 February 2002 02:02, you wrote: Anyone could help, how could I setup my internet connection? I can connect to my ISP but there is no response when I'm connected, what should I do? and what dialer should I use the KPPP, or the Internet dialer and what are the parameters should

Re: [newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-13 Per discussione Rodrigo
Hi, I had the same problem after upgrading my kernel. If you try to reinstall the rpms you have, you will probably get an error message saying that they are not compatible with the new kernel or X will fail during start. I downloaded the tar.gz files and tried to compile them under the new

Re: [newbie] Directory Structure

2002-02-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer
Nicolas VERITE wrote: FHS For an on-line version of the fhs, see Randy Kramer LSB Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] ripping cds on laptop

2002-02-13 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez
For some reason I cannot rip audio cd's on my dell laptop, never have been able to. Doesn't happen on the desktop. Anybody know why this would be? - Paul Rodriguez _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

[newbie] Question about Sylpheed and -claws

2002-02-13 Per discussione Todd Slater
I think I have decided to abandon Evolution in favor of Sylpheed. For those of you who use Sylpheed-claws, can you tell me what enhanced features you like that are not in Sylpheed? Can you use a script for .signature like in Kmail? Is it worth it to have the two installed simultaneously? I

Re: OT:Re: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:08:09 -0600 Meowth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It would have been nice if he would have talked nicer to me instead of shoving it up my butt, WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO ME WHEN I HAVE DONE NOTHIGN? DAMN IT IF ALL PEOPLE CAN BE IS MEAN THEN I

Re: [newbie] Firewall

2002-02-13 Per discussione David Stevenson
On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 20:28:05 -0200 Rodrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello all ! What is the best way to make a firewall for a desktop station ? There aren't any servers running on my computer. Right after installing mdk8.1 I ran the control center and set the firewall answering the

Re: [newbie] Firewall

2002-02-13 Per discussione Brian Parish
On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 10:07, David Stevenson wrote: On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 20:28:05 -0200 Rodrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello all ! What is the best way to make a firewall for a desktop station ? There aren't any servers running on my computer. Right after installing mdk8.1 I ran the

Re: [newbie] uninstall/re-install KDE Kmail (8.1)?

2002-02-13 Per discussione s
On Monday 11 February 2002 08:07 pm, you wrote: I have gotten the KDE Kmail setup all fouled up ... how do I uninstall and reinstall it ... I can't find the program in the control area ... just delete your ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc file to try and reconfigure it. But as far as

RE: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up

2002-02-13 Per discussione Nick
hey, it works! -Original Message- From: JSheble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 11 February 2002 18:38 To: Mandrake Newbie Mailing List Subject: [newbie] test: my posts don't show up I've been trying to respond to the list, but I never seen them come across... testing now...

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