[newbie] wu-FTP and RedHat7.1

2001-08-12 Per discussione Greg Taylor
By default, it seems remote hosts aren't able to connect. I attempt to, but it just sits there, no messages or anything. I'm not sure what's causing this, any hints?

[newbie] Modular Laptop Stuff

2001-08-09 Per discussione Greg Taylor
I'm running a Dell Latitude CPi 400mhz laptop and I've got a few questions about inserting and removing PCMCIA cards, and different drives in the modular bay without restarting. When removing a PCMCIA network card or modem, do I need to just stop the interface? Or do I need to go a step

[newbie] Path

2001-08-09 Per discussione Greg Taylor
I noticed that when logged in to a RedHat7.1 out of the box machine, when you enter commands like 'ftprestart' and 'shutdown', it doesn't seem to check your path all the way and usually returns "command not found". Is there a way to remedy this? I'm sure it's some weird security feature,

[newbie] Setting up a DNS server

2001-08-07 Per discussione Greg Taylor
Was wondering if there was any good walkthru's on setting up a DNS server for a LAN of abuot 10 computers

[newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-07 Per discussione Greg Taylor
I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives, but it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the drive again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not