Hello friends.
I have installed the Linux mandrake 7.1 Complete Version on my computer.
I selected the Normal mode of installation.
I wish to develop a web site on my computer. I have done some ASP work 
before. Do u think APACHE server would have installed?? I referred to a book 
which gave me a path to look for files of Apache server but i did not find 
anything there.
Please help me with this. If the APache server is not there which cd 
(Application or installation) would have the files  related to it.
And how to install it?
thank you,

>From: "Myers, Dennis R NWO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [newbie] Yahooooooooooooooo - Party at Fred's Tonight!!!
>Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 08:48:48 -0700
>Did you use the Mandrake update function?  I started to but the warning
>message about doing it separately stopped me.  Did you ignore and go for 
>If so, I will give it a try also.  Thanks, Dennis
>-----Original Message-----
>From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
>John Rye
>Sent:  Tuesday, September 12, 2000 9:28 AM
>Subject:       [newbie] Yahooooooooooooooo - Party at Fred's Tonight!!!
>Well folks I bit the bullet.
>Decided on a marathon tonight in honour of the upcomming Olympics.
>Started at 6.00pm and downloaded Kernel-2.2.16 (1.5 hrs!!! Good line
>tonight !!)
>And installed same.. all 'looked' ok, so a reboot was attempted and
>dam me if it didn't work!!
>    Roman on Sun 10 said install and reboot!!!
>    Forgot to tell us we newbies needed to tweak the bootloader eh?
>8.00pm downloaded Bastille-1.1.0 after reading an article at/on
>http://www/enteract.com about Armouring Linux. Sat down and read the
>Ipchains HOWTO yet again.
>10.00pm - decide that a backup might be in order - so /etc and /home
>copied to a spare chunk on the other HDD and beast rebooted to that
>other opsys where a cd was written (That's another bullet yet to be
>11.30pm Sore eyes - bored with infer-mercials - reboot to Linux
>untar Bastille and go for it - answered all the questions eventually
>between reading man pages and hoping I got it right..
>00.45AM - all looks good - reboot - and hope.
>00.47AM - I'm up and running - so attempt to get to the Net.
>01.30AM - success - line has deteriorated even more - only getting
>around 1.2kbs transfer, lots of ppp timeouts - I have to deal with
>that later.
>Get the mail - yup worked - answered/responded to 20-odd.
>Go surfing - water is bloody cold this time of morning - try grc.com
>get lots of triggers from portsentry even at 1.2kbs
>02.30 - logout and check logs - yup I'm all happy
>What a relief it's been..
>Now all I have to do is make suitable sacrifices to any diety we/you
>care to name so that I don't stuff it all up.
>ICQ# 89345394     Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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