mkdir /dosfs
mount /dev/hd1 (if 1 is correct) -t mstos /dosfs

On 25 Feb 2000, Ralph Crongeyer wrote:

> Hi, I have a drive that is formatted (fat16) that I use for downloading files
> to and then bring home to load on my linux-Mandrake 7.0-2 box (I have a real
> internet connection at work, compaired with 33.6 at home).
> So when I install this drive, as the slave on the secondary controller, and
> power up, Mandrake sees the new device and askses if I would like to configure
> it, I answer yes and all looks well. After I login I cant seem to get to it.
> It dosent apper in the file manager and I cant seem to mount it. However when
> I use Loather to view the devices I can see it, I can also see that it is
> "hdd1". Do I first have to establish a mount point?? If so how? 
> How do I access this drive/filesystem???
> Thanks.
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