--------- Original Message ---------
DATE: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 13:42:07
From: Joćo Candido Araujo Milasch Filho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I sent the following message to expert list, but i think its a newbie question, so, i'm sending here. thanks for all.
" Hello,
   I'm currently sharing my ADSL internet with my sister. But she uses much less internet than I do, and she dont want to pay half of the ADSL costs for that. So I will charge her for hour or give her a hour/mounth quote. She will connect on my Mini Internet Provider by LAN with Windows. I need to know which services I can use for that problem. I would like to limit the bandwith too (I got 300kbps, and like to give her max 150).
   Can anyone lead me so I can google for the configure informations?
Thanks all
  If your sister connect to your Mini Internet Provider Switch, and the switch is a managable switch, I think you can configure the switch to make it doing a bandwidth priority. I forget the name of that parameter . The parameter has number start form 1 until  256 (I think). I know this from CNAP class.
  Or if you are an Internet Provider I think you have proxy server. Maybe proxy server can make bandwidth priority too. I'm only guesting hee.. hee.. This is all I got.

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