I agree.  I have Win98SE running under Win4Lin 2.0 and sound works. Improved 
but not native TCP/IP networking. Can retrieve e-mail using Outlook 97 
without problem. WinME users should stick with windoze if they have to have 
it under linux (just my opinion).


> > 
> > You must be a windoze convert. Why bash a linux product. No Win4Lin
> > does not
> > support WinMe ...yet, but why would you want to. Native win98Se is far
> > more
> > stable than WinMe IMHO. I use both, but find 98SE a better product if
> > you're
> > not using Win2000.  People could say Mandrake users are "gungho" who
> > use Red
> > Hat and vice versa. There is no need to bash a product just because
> > you don't
> > use it or haven't used it. I have tried all of the windoze emulators.
> i hope they DON'T give support to WinME.  it's really is not worth the
> effort.  WinME is slower than Win98 (check Tom's hardware website for an
> excellent review on WinME.)  its improved stability is at best minor. 
> most of the 'multimedia enhancements' from WinME can be downloaded for
> free anyway, and if rumour is any guide, 'Whistler' is coming NEXT year
> anyway (if M$ doesn't miss their schedule :-)  
> it really annoys how MS is shoving WinME down people's throat, only to
> ask them to fork out extra bucks for Whistler later.  i work for a
> computer hardware company, and we have already noticed how pricing for
> Win98 is actually higher than WinME.  this is all arbitrary.  
> i have setup win98 on win4lin 1.0 on one machine.  it's not a perfect
> software, but it does what we need.  win2000 is not bad ... though last
> week i actually managed to 'destroy' my machine after i tried to install
> printer driver for a hp deskjet on a win20000 partition.  it failed to
> install, and now my mouse and keyboard have stopped working... it's
> going into repair next week ...
> thank heaven for my dedicated linux box (and my G4 Mac as well, but
> that's another story ... ;-)
> aston
> sydney, australia

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