Oct 15, 2010
 By Boba Borojevic — In his article “A Decade of Serbia’s Humiliation”,
Srdja Trifkovic quite accurately describes the rule of Boris Tadic’s
government. He writes : “This is pure anarchotyranny in action. The current
government in Belgrade is quite powerless to protect its citizens from
harassment in the NATO-occupied province of Kosovo. It is powerless to
prevent young jihadists from pelting with stones tourist buses from
non-Muslim areas in the majority-Muslim region of Novi Pazar—not in Kosovo,
mind you, but in “Serbia Proper.” It is powerless to stop rampant corruption
by its own functionaries and politically associated cronies. It is powerless
to halt open war-mongering by Islamic extremists such as Mufti Zukorlic in
the Sandzak region in the south, or advocacy of ethnic separatism by
Hungarian activists in the north. It is powerless to evict the Gypsy
criminal underclass from usurping prime real estate in the nation’s capital.
It is unable and unwilling to arrest and prosecute mafia bosses,
privatization tycoons and foreign agents in its own ranks.At the same time,
the regime of Serbia’s Euro-Integrators led by President Boris Tadic is
brutally efficient in clamping down on those “extremists” who dare protest
the promotion of sodomy and who dislike the imposition of psychopathological
“norms” imposed by the regime’s foreign mentors.” [1]
There was lot of symbolism in the streets of Belgrade on Sunday, October
10th. The Serbian government joined efforts with renowned foreign enemies of
Serbs to fight for human rights of Serbian gays and lesbians, while ignoring
the mayhem of hundreds of thousands of Serbs whose life had been forever
destroyed by the same foreign masters.
Some 6000 Serbs who ventured out in the streets that day to protest  not
only against the gay “Pride parade” but also against their government’s
domestic policy were branded hooligans. On the other hand, the government
that used 5000 riot police, helicopters and armoured personnel carriers
against these protesters only to enable some 400 gays and lesbians to
“freely”  show their sexual preferences was praised as democratic and as a
defender of human rights and EU/western values by major media outlets and
foreign officials.
*And who turned out to join the crowd of  Pride marchers?*
**None other than the head of the EU delegation to Serbia (French diplomat
Vincent Degert), the Dutch ambassador to Serbia Laurent Stokvis, Frank van
Dalen politician and gay activist from Amsterdam, the US Ambassador Mary
Burce Warlick, the German deputy ambassador and diplomats from the Austrian,
Spanish, Swedish and UK missions . [2]
All are diplomatic representatives of countries that not only bombed Serbia
for 78 days in 1999, but continue working diligently against Serbia’s vital
interests, territorial integrity and security. Those who have impoverished
and humiliated Serbia ironically insisted in their invitation to the parade
that : ” Any discrimination on the grounds of gender, racial or ethnic
origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability and age is
incompatible with the basic principles and values on which the EU is
founded: respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, equal
opportunities and tolerance”. [3]
*What is wrong with this picture?*
In the country with the most refugees and internal displaced persons in
Europe, with its economy in shambles; in the country with severe poverty and
double-digit unemployment, Tadic’s regime and its foreign mentors decided
that gays and lesbians in Serbia are the only segment of Serbia’s population
being discriminated against and worth fighting for. Even if it meant
destroying the city of Belgrade. Waving rainbow flags, balloons and
gesturing the middle fingers to street onlookers the Pride marchers had one
powerful message to deliver. “Death to the Country (of Serbia)” was written
on one of the few posters symbolically displayed behind Serbian Minister of
Human and Minority Rights Svetozar Čiplić (DS party), Cedomir Jovanovic MP
(LDP), Marko Djurisic MP (DS), Zarko Korac MP and  president of SDU, their
foreign friends and diplomats, none of whom had a single kind word for
Serbia, Serbian people or the Serbian church throughout their political
The Parade was a well organized and well executed provocation by the Tadic’s
regime and the western powers i.e. their diplomatic representatives who used
gay activists to pursue their own agenda.
With every punch to the Serbian collective being by the West, Tadic’s regime
hit double as hard.Despite warnings that the parade might face serious
opposition by  a majority of the population, the Serbian government gave a
green light to the organizers of the gay “Pride parade”. Opposition to the
pride marchers was severe and so was the police reaction. Serbian riot
police fought running battles that Sunday with thousands of anti gay – anti
government supporters who tried to disrupt a gay pride march in downtown
Belgrade.  Protesters hurled bricks, stones and glass bottles at riot
police. Police responded by firing tear gas and deploying armoured vehicles
to disperse the protesters. More than 140 people were hurt and more than 200
were arrested.
President Boris Tadic must have had a blast! Finally, he got a chance to
settle the score with the little resistance left in Serbia, the patriotic
groups who oppose his regime. He immediately accused them of instigating the
riots , while Senior Justice Ministry official Slobodan Homen threatened
them with a “fierce” state response .Instead of resigning Boris Tadic and
his quisling government continues to impose on Serbs values and judgements
that they clearly are not ready to agree upon or to accept. The more he
insists, the stronger the opposition he will face by his own hungry,
impoverished, jobless and humiliated population. And that, hopefully, will
be the end of his regime.


[2] **

[3] *

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