Epoka e Re: Haradinaj on the verge of resignation
UNMIK Media Monitoring
February 04, 2005
Haradinaj on the verge of resignation (Epoka e Re)

UNMIK Media Monitoring Report, Pristina Feb 4, 2005

Epoka e Re quotes its sources as saying that the government coalition was
clearly told by the Contact Group that Rugova must resign from the LDK post,
and that they should fully cooperate with The Hague. 

According to some sources it was even made clear to Haradinaj that this
could be his last meeting with the CG as Prime Minister. As a consequence of
this, the paper writes, Haradinaj did not show up in front of journalists
but sent Lutfi Haziri instead.

The paper quotes international sources as saying that it is becoming tougher
and tougher for the government coalition to face such challenges as a strong
opposition, decentralization and The Hague issue.

The same sources told the paper that the allies themselves have shown
scepticism and less will while confronting a future full of challenges,
while criminal clans behind them do not even bother to hide. Sources add
that this situation has brought disappointment within local and
international circles. 

Simply no one - the Contact Group, the government, the opposition - is happy
and optimistic with the situation brought by the surprising Rugova-Haradinaj
formula, the paper adds. 

Surrounded by all these weaknesses, Haradinaj is therefore pondering to
announce his resignation in an elastic way during a casual cocktail party
with local and international friends, Epoka e Re writes. 

The paper claims that it could not confirm this with Haradinaj's circles.
However, such a move is silently welcome by the international community, who
feels the process has reached a dead end, the paper adds. Haradinaj's
resignation would formally imply the resignation of his cabinet. UNMIK and
other liaison offices are planning frequent meetings this week with the
opposition, and one of them is taking place today in Jessen-Petersen's

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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