Judges warn Milosevic not to dwell on NATO bombing in defense

16:50 2005-02-24
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) Judges at the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The
Hague warned former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on Thursday not to
dwell on the 1999 NATO bombing at his war crimes trial.
Milosevic is presenting his defense against 66 charges, including genocide,
at the lengthy trial that began in 2002 and will likely conclude in 2006.
His witness Thursday, a Serb doctor, discussed NATO's campaign in 1999 to
end a crackdown by Serb troops under Milosevic's control on Albanian Muslims
in Kosovo, a southern province of Serbia.
Milosevic argues his troops were engaged in a legitimate fight against
rebels and terrorists, and that it was the NATO bombing that caused most
civilian deaths and drove more than 1 million refugees from the region not
Serb troops as alleged in his indictment.
The judges warned Milosevic that accusing others is a waste of time, and
that NATO was not on trial.
War crimes investigators concluded in 2000 there was insufficient evidence
to support charges against any NATO leaders or military men that civilians
were illegally targeted during the 78-day bombing campaign.
"The NATO bombing is not part of the case," presiding Judge Patrick Robinson
Robinson told Milosevic the bombing campaign could be mentioned in passing
if Milosevic intended to show he was not responsible for the flight of
"But you will not be allowed to continue leading evidence about NATO,"
Robinson said. "We don't have time to waste."
"Mr. Robinson, everything that's been said today clearly indicates the cause
and effect between (NATO) bombing and fleeing," Milosevic responded with a
look of disgust.
The witness, Dr. Vukasin Andric, was a member of a temporary Serb-dominated
government in Kosovo during the bombing.
Kosovo has been administered by the United Nations and NATO-led peacekeepers
since 1999, after the alliance's bombing pushed Serb troops out.
About 100,000 Serbs remain in Kosovo, one-third of their prewar population.
They have little freedom of movement and face occasional attacks and
harassment by ethnic Albanian militants. Thousands of Serbs were expelled
from their homes during ethnically motivated riots last year.
Associated Press
                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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