A week passed since former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj
received indictment by the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia, resigned from his position and voluntary departed
to The Hague. On his first appearance before the international war
crimes tribunal on Monday morning 14th of March he said that he does
not feel guilty for any of 37 charges he's accused for by the tribunal
- 17 counts of crimes against humanity and 20 counts of violations of
the laws or customs of war.
Before leaving Kosovo MR. Hardinaj addressed Kosovo citizens saying
that he has accepted indictment, that he will go to The Hague but that
he does not feel guilty for the charges against him but also saying
that he does not think that this is a setback for Kosovo.
A week after, by summarising reactions of ordinary Kosovo Albanians on
the Prime Minister's indictment by The Hague tribunal and everything
that followed anyone could say that Kosovo Albanians feel proud on Mr.
Haradinaj's behaviour and how her acted from the moment he received
indictment, till the moment he left Kosovo heading to the Hague.
Majority in Kosovo does not question is the former Prime Minister
guilty for the crimes he is charged for or not.
Actually, ordinary people have seen in Haradinaj's behaviour a proof
of political maturity, cooperation proven to international community,
but also a lesson given to official Belgrade and its policy toward The
Hague by showing what cooperation with ICTY really means.
Former Kosovo Prime Minister, and there is no doubt about it here
among Kosovo Albanians, did a great job in 100 days of his governance.
Many Kosovans regret his departure to The Hague because they see lost
of a manager with a great management skills.
In his example he has shown transformation from former guerrilla
leader of Kosovo Liberation Army to politician. Would Kosovo have its
next Prime Minister that would have the energy and to know how to
mobilise Government in the best way to work for the benefit of
citizens of Kosovo is difficult to say, but Haradinaj's 100 days of
governance left the impression that was the one.
Ordinary Kosovans are even more disappointed with the fact that at the
point when Kosovo Prime Minister could have given his contribution to
full standards achievement and leading the Government with the best of
his possibilities - he is by The Hague indicted for the war crimes.
Posters with "Our Prime has a job to do here" inscription hanged up in
public places these days speak for it but also send a message to
international community too.
But, on the other hand the question that hasn't been asked so far is -
did former Kosovo Prime Minister have had any other choices except to
receive indictment and to go to The Hague voluntary if charged by ICTY
And also - what could have had been consequences for Kosovo if he have
hadn't decided to do so?

Former Kosovo Prime Minister called for situation to stay calm before
he left Kosovo but also his father did too after Mr. Haradinaj went to
The Hague.

Many think that the escalation of violence will only jeopardize
Kosovo's position and therefore a large scale demonstrations announced
by the War veterans association to take place on Monday 14th of March,
when the former Kosovo Prime Minister had his first appearance in the
front of The Hague tribunal where cancelled.

Previously, the UCK War Associations â the UCK Veterans Organization,
Invalids' Association, and Association of War Martyrs officials stated
that the indictment against Ramush Haradinaj is an insult against the
entire Albanian nation and that these organizations will choose
democratic forms of citizens' disobedience for protesting against
desecration of the war values of the UCK.

Even saying so they decided to indefinitely postpone large scale
demonstrations announced earlier saying that they actually expect
concrete steps from Kosovo institutions and not only a political
vocabulary with repeated words, like supporting Haradinaj. But also,
in the statement given to media War Veteran Associations confirmed
previously stated stance about their intention to show citizen

Last weekend visiting the municipalities of Dukagjini region ( western
Kosovo)  and Ramush Haradinaj's family, The SRSG Soren Jessen-Petersen
said that any violence would damage the achievements that Haradinaj
made during the 100 days in the post of Prime Minister and also betray
his sacrifices.

And while Kosovo is going through its very difficult period, its talks
about the new Prime Minister and Government, media do not record
significant statements in Serbia proper regarding Kosovo Prime
Minister's inducement to The Hague in the first days after it.
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica in his first reactions said
that now after the indictment was confirmed the most important is to
contribute to stability in Kosovo. He also said" Serbian Government
will give its full contribution bearing in mind that our vital
interest is stabilization and improvement of general situation in
Serbian President Boris Tadic in this respect said that everyone who
is accused for the war crimes should respond to The Hague. He also
said that this situation with Kosovo Prime Minister's indictment to
The Hague should not be used for the daily political purposes and
called for composure and abstention whit which the stability of the
country and region would have not been harmed.
Oliver Ivanovic, leader of Serbian List for Kosovo and Metohija said
that the reactions of Serbian Government officials where as such in
order not to irritate Kosovo public opinion but also to secure that
nothing unwilling, and for sure nothing like that happened  last March
will happen to Kosovo Serbs.
On the other hand Kosovo Serbs followed Ramush Haradinaj's indictment
to The Hague without major reactions and without giving it a lot of
space in discussion it.
The most common comments among Kosovo Serbs in this regard where
actually related to the SRSG's behaviour that was more, than
appropriate, emotional, but this was also the remarque given to the
SRSG by international community too. Some think others think that such
SRSG's statements aimed to console radical Albanians and to prevent
possible escalation of violence.
These days Kosovo politicians on the closed meetings, its
intellectuals and political analysts' trough columns and articles in
newspapers are looking for its new Prime Minister and a Government
that will lead Kosovo in its most important times - in the year when
the standards achievement will be assessed and when the talks about
Kosovo final status will start.
The opinions range from the ones that support LDK- AAK coalition and
think that this coalition will stay in power to the ones that think
that only wider coalition ( with PDK and ORA on bord) and more
inclusive one will be better solution.
This is not an easy decision of power share that have to be made
especially when its known Kosovo's current political context.
International community representatives, especially the ones that come
from EU are advocating for more inclusive Government.
What ever is the decision that is taken in this regard; the new Prime
Minister and the Government have to be the factor of stability and
ready for what Kosovo will face in this year as its biggest

Biserka Ivanovic


                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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