Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   09. 02. 2005, 17:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Rice Chides Europe Over Iran 

   A day after heralding a new era in transatlantic relations, US 
   Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice scolded her European allies 
   Wednesday over their handling of nuclear talks with Iran.

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   Bomb explosion in Madrid

   An explosion from a car bomb claimed by Basque separatists in the
   Spanish capital of Madrid has injured at least 42 people. None of
   the injuries are considered life-threatening. The blast occurred
   outside a convention centre in the outskirts of the city. Police
   said the Basque newspaper Gara had received a warning from the
   Basque separatist group ETA shortly before the blast. King Juan
   Carlos had been due to open an art fair at the conference centre
   later on Wednesday. The explosion coincided with a major police
   operation against ETA in northern Spain.

   Iraqi journalist killed, govt official seized

   An Iraqi journalist working for the US-funded Al-Hurra television
   network has been killed by gunmen at his home in Basra. Alhurra is a
   Virginia-based satellite news network set up with US funding to
   compete with Arabic channels such as Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya. In a
   separate incident, a senior Interior Ministry official has been
   kidnapped in Baghdad. Colonel Riyadh Katei Aliwi was apparently
   dragged from his car by gunmen. Elsewhere in Baghdad, three members
   of the Kurdistan Democratic Party were killed in a guerrilla ambush,
   and clashes then erupted with Iraqi and US troops. Meanwhile, Iraq's
   Electoral Commission says the announcement of a final vote tally,
   previously expected by Thursday, will be delayed while around 300
   ballot boxes are re-examined.

   Rice chides Europeans over Iran

   US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice scolded her European allies
   Wednesday over their handling of nuclear talks with Iran. Rice
   complained that Britain, France and Germany had failed to make
   sufficiently clear the threat of UN sanctions if Tehran refused
   to renounce its suspected nuclear weapons ambitions. Iran's nuclear
   ambitions have been a major issue throughout Rice's week-long tour
   of Europe and the Middle East, her first trip since becoming chief
   US diplomat. The United States accuses Iran of trying to obtain
   nuclear weapons which Iran vehemently denies. Rice flew into
   Brussels Wednesday for a working lunch with her NATO counterparts
   and talks with European Union officials before heading off for
   Luxembourg, the last stop on her tour of eight European nations.

   Abbas happy with Middle East summit

   Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas expressed his satisfaction Wednesday
   at the "positive results" from a landmark summit which sought to
   draw the line under four years of Middle East bloodshed. In two
   separate declarations at the Tuesday summit in Egypt, Abbas and
   Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared an end to hostilities
   which have claimed some 4,700 lives since the Palestinian intifada,
   or uprising, erupted in September 2000. Israel has announced it
   would shortly reopen its border with Gaza to Palestinian workers and
   merchants. It also plans to release up to 500 of the some 8,000
   Palestinians being held in Israeli prisons. Adding to the optimism,
   the "Quartet" consisting of the US, Russia, the UN and the European
   Union said they would attend a Palestinian reconstruction conference
   set for early March in London.

   Russian mine explosion kills nine

   At least nine people have died in a coal mine explosion in Russia's
   Siberia. News agencies report that up to 17 people are still
   missing. A team of 30 miners and experts had been sent to the mine
   in the Kemerovo region on Tuesday to investigate smoke inside the
   mine and stop it spreading. On Wednesday, a methane explosion
   occurred. Rescue efforts are continuing. Accidents are common in
   Russia's under-funded and unprofitable coal mining industry. Last
   year a blast in the same region killed 45 people.

   Danish PM wins re-election

   Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has been elected for a
   second term. His alliance of Liberals, Conservatives and right-wing
   parties won 95 of the 179 seats in Tuesday's election, four more
   than needed to hold the majority. The centre-left opposition had its
   worst ballot in decades. The three-week campaign focused on
   Rasmussen's clampdown on asylum seekers and his record of cutting
   taxes without undermining Denmark's generous welfare system. The
   52-year old Prime Minister is the first liberal leader to be
   re-elected in the country.

   Pope misses Ash Wednesday prayers

   Pope John Paul II's continued hospitalisation has forced him to miss
   Ash Wednesday prayers for the first time in his 26-year papacy. The
   Pope has begun a second week in a Rome hospital, where he is being
   treated for respiratory problems. There is no official word of when
   the 84-year old pontiff might be discharged. The formerly
   taboo question of the Pope's possible resignation has been hotly
   debated in Italy's daily newspapers.
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