Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   16.01.2005, 17:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Iraqi Admits to Moshammer Murder 

   A young Iraqi man has confessed to murdering flamboyant German fashion
   designer Rudolph Moshammer after he refused to pay for sexual favors.
   Police arrested the suspect after they found his DNA at the crime

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,1564,1460112,00.html
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   PLO urges end to violence

   The Palestine Liberation Organisation has urged militants to stop
   their attacks on Israeli targets. The appeal came following a
   meeting of the PLO's executive committee on Sunday and is the
   strongest demand yet to stop all military acts against Israel. The
   two main groups, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have so far rejected a
   truce. Earlier Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he had given
   the army free rein to clamp down on militants in the Gaza strip. He
   also accused new Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of doing
   nothing to stop attacks on Israelis. Two days ago he cut off all
   ties with Abbas after an attack by Palestinian militants killed six

   Graner sentenced to 10 years

   Charles Graner, the US soldier at the centre of the prisoner abuse
   scandal in Iraq, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, five
   years less than the maximum. On Friday, a military jury found Graner
   guilty of beating and sexually abusing prisoners at Iraq's Abu
   Ghraib prison. Many of the offences are documented in photos that
   Graner took. Addressing the jury before sentencing, Graner admitted
   for the first time that he acted wrongly. But he insisted that he
   was merely following orders to "soften up" prisoners for

   UN airlifts supplies to Aceh

   The UN's refugee agency has begun airlifting supplies to remote
   parts of Indonesia's Aceh province to help thousands of tsunami
   survivors yet to receive aid. The move is a first for the UN refugee
   agency which usually helps people fleeing violence or persecution.
   Aceh province suffered the brunt of the tsunami with more than
   110,000 dead. Meanwhile the Indonesian government has revised its
   demand for foreign troops helping the aid effort to leave the
   country. Foreign Minister Juwono Sudarsono said on Sunday the March
   deadline was merely a guideline for the government to improve its
   own efforts. Over 168,000 people have now been confirmed dead in the
   tsunami across south-east Asia.

   80 Afghans freed from Guantanamo

   The US has released some 80 Afghan prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.
   The government in Kabul said they had already returned home and
   would appear before the Afghan Supreme Court. During the
   international anti-terror operation in Afghanistan three years ago,
   authorities sent hundreds of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters
   to the US base in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for interrogation. Last
   March, several members of a group of 23 Afghans freed from
   Guantanamo complained of being mistreated. Another 11 freed in
   September said they had been treated well.

   ETA supports peace dialogue

   The Basque separatist group ETA has said it's prepared to negotiate
   in the conflict with the Spanish government. Last November ETA's
   political wing, Batasuna, called for a peaceful and democratic
   dialogue between the Spanish government and the separatists. ETA
   published a statement on Sunday praising Batasuna's proposals and
   said it was determined to back the plans. However the group made no
   mention of laying down its weapons as demanded by the government
   before talks can begin. Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
   said this weekend he would work with Batasuna if ETA gave up
   violence. ETA has killed more than 800 people since it began its
   campaign in 1968 for an independent Basque homeland.

   Voting underway in Croatia

   Voting is underway in Croatia in a presidential election runoff.
   Incumbent Stipe Mesic is expected to win a second five-year term.
   The latest opinion polls gave centrist Mesic a comfortable lead of
   around 30 percent over his rival, conservative Deputy Prime Minister
   Jadranka Kosor. In the first round of voting two weeks ago, Mesic
   gained a clear victory but failed to secure an outright majority.
   The winner of the election would very likely oversee Croatia's entry
   to the European Union, expected for 2009.

   Russia uncovers Islamist radicals

   Authorities in Dagestan say that Russian special forces have fought
   with Islamist radicals hiding there. In hours of gunfighting, four
   Russian soldiers and a number of extremists died. Many more were
   arrested. Russian secret services said that the operation prevented
   a terror attack similar to the hostage-taking in Beslan, near
   Chechnya, last year.

   Gunmen kill seven in Philippines

   Gunmen have killed seven people at a religious festival in the
   Philippines. Dozens more were injured. The apparent target was the
   local police chief in Aklan province on Boracay Island. Police are
   searching for the motive and the attackers. Crowds had gathered for
   a parade to celebrate a Philippine Roman Catholic holiday.

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