Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   23. 01. 2005, 17:00 UTC


   The waiting is over: on Jan. 21 the Bundesliga returns from its winter
   break and starts off the second half of the 2004/05 season. The 17 
   remaining match days leading up to the final on May 21 guarantee 
   plenty of excitement. Can FC Bayern-Munich keep its lead at the top of
   the table or will one of the strong contesters Schalke 04 or VfB
   Stuttgart overtake the club from the Bavarian capital? And how do the
   lower ranked teams keep up with the rest? Who will survive into the 
   next season and who will be forced down a notch? Keep informed of 
   what’s happening in Germany’s premier soccer league at 


   New Ukraine president sworn in

   Viktor Yushchenko has been sworn in as the third president of
   post-Soviet Ukraine. After months of political wrangling and mass
   protests against election fraud, Yushchenko took the oath of office
   in a parliamentary ceremony. He then addressed thousands of
   supporters in Kiev's Independence Square, the centre of the
   so-called Orange Revolution demonstrations. Yushchenko expressed his
   intention to steer Ukraine towards closer ties with the European
   Union, but also underlined the importance of maintaining good
   relations with Russia. On Monday, Yushchenko is due to meet Russian
   President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in what will be his first foreign

   Zarqawi calls for war on Iraqi election

   Iraq's most wanted man, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has declared all-out
   war on next week's election. In an Internet audio message, a speaker
   believed to be Zarqawi said those who participate in the January 30
   vote were "enemies of Islam". He added that the election was aimed
   at bringing Iraq under Shi'ite control and urged Sunni Muslims to
   fight against it. Meanwhile, diplomats have confirmed that eight
   Chinese hostages freed in Iraq are safe and have been handed back to
   Chinese authorities in Baghdad.

   Iraqi expats reluctant to register for poll

   The voter registration deadline for Iraqis living abroad has been
   extended due to a low turnout. The International Organisation for
   Migration, which is organising voting in 14 countries, blamed fear
   and apathy for the low registration numbers. Some one million
   expatriate Iraqis are eligible to vote. The absentee voting will
   take place as planned on January 28-30.

   Ceasefire near, Palestinian leader says

   New Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said he is close to
   reaching a deal with militants to cease attacks on Israelis.
   Palestinian militant leaders had earlier signalled they would help
   maintain calm in Gaza for at least a month but denied Israeli
   accounts that they had committed to a formal ceasefire at the behest
   of the moderate Abbas. Abbas, elected this month as Yasser Arafat's
   successor, has been trying to get militants to call off a 4-year-old
   armed revolt so he can start negotiating for Palestinian statehood in
   Israeli-occupied territories.

   Iran and US war of words

   Iran has said it was not taking talk of a US attack seriously, but
   warned that any military action against the Islamic republic would
   be a "major strategic blunder". The war of words between the two
   countries has continued to escalate since The New Yorker magazine
   reported earlier this week that US commandos have been covertly
   operating inside Iran since mid-2004. The Pentagon attacked the
   article as "riddled with errors " but did not publish a denial. The
   London-based Sunday Times newspaper says that British Foreign
   Secretary Jack Straw has drawn up a dossier on Iran's alleged
   nuclear arms programme. The report rules out military action and
   argues for a negotiated solution. On Friday, NATO Secretary-General
   Jaap de Hoop Scheffer urged the United States and Europe to agree on
   a common Iran policy.

   Ceasefire in tsunami-hit Aceh

   Indonesian troops have stopped launching attacks against separatist
   rebels in tsunami-hit Aceh province so the government can pursue
   peace talks. The nation's military chief said Sunday it was no
   longer raiding bases of the Free Aceh Movement. Although both the
   government and the rebels agreed to a ceasefire immediately after
   the tsunami, Indonesian troops have killed more than 200 rebels
   since the disaster. Social Welfare Minister Alwi Shihab said on
   Saturday the government would consider anything except independence
   during upcoming peace talks.

   Tsunami death toll keeps rising

   The Indonesian death toll from last month's earthquake and tsunamis
   has climbed by more than 7,000 over the weekend to nearly 174,000
   according to new health ministry figures. Volunteer workers and
   soldiers in Aceh province continue to recover hundreds of bodies a
   day from the mud and rubble of homes some four weeks after the


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