Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   January 30th 2005, 17:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Bringing the Farm to the Big City

   Farmers from far and wide meet up in Berlin each year for the 
   "Green Week" agricultural trade fair. As things wrap up on Sunday, 
   German organic producers are celebrating their rapidly growing 
   market share.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,1564,1470437,00.html

   In light of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2005, 
   DW-WORLD has put together a special site marking the occasion. 
   Our coverage looks at the effect of World War II on countries around 
   the world and includes interviews with scholars as well as picture
   To view the site, please go to


   36 die during Iraq's watershed election

   Polling stations have now closed in the landmark multi-party
   elections in Iraq. Violence throughout the country resulted in the
   deaths of 36 people during the past 24 hours, according to a
   spokesman for the Interior Ministry. A group led by the self-styled
   leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has claimed
   responsibility for several suicide bombings. In spite of the spate
   of deaths there is guarded optimism about the success of the
   ballots. Electoral commission officer Adel Lami told reporters that
   he estimated an impressive seventy-two percent of Iraqi registered
   voters turned out to choose a 275-member national assembly that will
   draw up a constitution so that a permanent government can be elected
   later in the year.

   UK military plane crashes near Baghdad

   A British military transport plane has crashed north-west of Baghdad. 
   The British defence ministry in London said it was investigating the 
   crash of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules plane without saying whether 
   there were casualties. According to the Royal Air Force website, the 
   Hercules has a crew of five or six and can carry up 128 troops.

   UN should consider Sudan sanctions

   UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said that the United Nations
   should consider sanctions against Sudan for gross violations of
   human rights in Darfur. He told a press conference during an African
   Union summit in Nigeria that serious violations of international
   humanitarian law have taken place in the province. He made the
   remarks after he received a key UN report detailing abuses in the
   vast desert region where 1.8 million people have been forced from
   their homes. He added that the report would soon be made public
   after it is presented to the Security Council.

   Abbas, Sharon to meet

   Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian President 
   Mahmoud Abbas are to meet early next month in an attempt to revive 
   the Mideast peace process. It would mark the first meeting between 
   Sharon and Abbas as the respective leaders of their governments.
   Both sides said they were hopeful of making progress in the peace talks.
   Israel's Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz said on Sunday that the 
   government was ready to hand over control of several towns in the 
   occupied West Bank to the Palestinian Authority within days. 
   The announcement was made after talks with former Palestinian 
   Security Minister Mohammed Dahlan. There's been a sharp drop in
   violence in the Gaza Strip since Palestinian security forces were 
   deployed to prevent attacks on Israeli targets.

   Three die in shootout in Kuwait

   In Kuwait City three people including a policeman have been killed
   and five others wounded in a shootout between security forces and
   suspected militants. Police said the deaths occurred during an hour-
   long raid on suspected militant hideouts in the Salmiya district.
   The incident took place in the district near to the American
   University of Kuwait which is home to a large number of Westerners.
   Kuwait has recently witnessed a surge in al Qaeda-linked violence.

   Police arrest Egyptian opposition leader

   In Egypt a prominent opposition member of the government has
   formally been detained by police for four days questioning on
   criminal charges. Ayman Nour, leader of the Ghad or Tomorrow Party,
   was stripped of his parliamentary immunity as he left the parliament
   building on Saturday. The charges relate to accusations of forged
   documents used for the validation of the party last year.
   Nour's wife told reporters that the charges were fabricated to
   discredit his party, the largest opposition group with six members
   of parliament.

   Indonesia wants German alert system

   Indonesia has said it intends to use a tsunami early warning system
   for the region developed in Germany. Officials in Berlin said a deal
   would be signed in March. Media reports said that under the German
   system buoys would be placed in the Indian Ocean off Indonesia's
   coast that would send signals recording the movement of waves via
   satellite to a computer centre. The system is expected to cost
   around 45 million euros.

   EU revises economic growth goals

   EU Industry Commissioner Guenter Verheugen has said the European
   Union has given up its goal of being the world's strongest economic
   region by the year 2010. Speaking to journalists in Brussels,
   Verheugen said that he would be content if the EU could reduce the
   inequality between the bloc and the United States and keep pace with
   regions like Latin America. The German politician said Europe's poor
   level of innovation and the incomplete single market were to blame.
   He also warned that if the EU did not act Europe would lose its
   prosperity and quality of life.

   Israeli author Kishon dies aged 80

   Ephraim Kishon, one of Israel's best-known authors, has died at the
   age of 80 at his home in Switzerland. An Israeli newspaper quoted
   his son as saying Kishon had died of a heart attack late on
   Saturday. Kishon was born in Hungary and survived the Holocaust
   before emigrating to Israel in 1949 where he made a name for himself
   as a political satirist. He wrote more than 50 books that were
   translated into 37 languages.

   Safin wins Australian Open

   Marat Safin of Russia has defeated Lleyton Hewitt to win the 
   Australian Open.
   Safin came from behind to beat Australian Hewitt 1-6,
   6-3, 6-4, 6-4 at the Rod Laver Arena. It was Safin's second grand slam 


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