  The International Herald Tribune

Serbs bank on accord with Hague tribunal
By Nicholas Wood The New York Times
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Surrender of war crimes suspect hailed
BELGRADE When a retired Serbian general, Vladimir Lazarevic, agreed to surrender to the United Nations war crimes tribunal at The Hague last month, he was treated here like a national hero.

The Serbian prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica, described Lazarevic's decision as "patriotic, highly moral and honorable." The leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church gave him an audience and praised him as a defender of the nation. When Lazarevic eventually flew to The Hague, he was accompanied by the Serbian justice minister.

The pomp surrounding the former general's surrender was unwelcome as far as rights groups are concerned. He is accused, as the commander of Yugoslav troops in Kosovo in 1999, of overseeing the expulsion of 800,000 refugees and the killing of at least 700 people.

Government officials here, on the other hand, characterized the surrender as the start of an era of cooperation with the tribunal, paving the way toward better relations with the rest of the world.

Politicians in Serbia's coalition government said they expected an agreement with the court by the end of the month on the fate of two other generals who were charged under the same indictment as Lazarevic.

They say the treatment given to Lazarevic and promised to the other generals is the most effective way of securing their surrender for trial.

The spirit of the government's strategy may not match the principles set out by the tribunal. But diplomats here said it was proof that the policy of the United States and the European Union on the tribunal - to threaten penalties against countries that do not support the court - is working.

The same policy has led Croatia's governing nationalist party to jettison its opposition to the court and surrender all but one of its war crimes suspects in the last year, a move that could help lead to negotiations on European Union membership this spring.

While the surrenders of Lazarevic and of another war crimes suspect last October suggest that the government here is trying to emulate Croatia's example, government ministers at federal and state levels - Kostunica foremost among them - have said they will not consider a tougher approach and do not intend to arrest any war crimes suspects by force.

At least 11 men wanted by the Hague tribunal are still believed to be at large in Serbia or in Montenegro, which is in a loose federation with Serbia, including the court's two most wanted suspects, the wartime leader of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic, and his military commander, Ratko Mladic.

The Serbian position stems from a decade of war as the former Yugoslavia split apart. Much of the world accused the Serbs of responsibility for the bloodshed and the Serbs contended that they were only defending themselves from other hostile groups.

But Serbia's current leadership understands that its reluctance to cooperate with the court has had financial and political costs. Serbia and Montenegro is only just undergoing a feasibility study by the European Union for membership, while Bulgaria and Romania - countries that most Serbs used to regard as their poorer and less-sophisticated neighbors - have a date for possible EU membership.

Although Serbia's economy grew about 6 percent last year, government ministers and foreign businessman alike say the rate of economic growth and investment could have been greater if not for the friction with the court.

"The Hague is a sort of sword at our throats," said Velimir Ilic, Serbia's minister for capital investment, who was a leader of the popular protests that led to the removal from office of Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav leader who is now on trial at The Hague, charged with war crimes. Many foreign companies, Ilic said, were unwilling to make long-term commitments in Serbia while cooperation with the court remained unresolved.

Mike Ahern, the president of Serbia and Montenegro's Foreign Investors Council, an association of foreign businesses in the region, said, "Serbia needs Chinese growth rates in order to catch up" with its neighbors.

But the government relies for support in Parliament on Milosevic's Serbian Socialist Party and the country's large nationalist opposition. That means Serbia cannot proceed any faster on war crimes, politicians here insist.

"If the generals had been extradited by force, the government would have fallen," said Rasim Ljajic, Serbia and Montenegro's minister for human rights and for cooperation with the court at The Hague.

"We need a period of political stability," he said, after six elections at state and federal levels in four years.

Were the government to fall, he said, Serbia's ultranationalist party - the Serbian Radical Party, the largest bloc in Parliament with 82 seats - would likely be the one to form a new government, jeopardizing any hopes of European integration.

Senior federal and state ministers say that pressure from the outside over war criminals is encouraging support for the nationalists.

"If the First World War ended in a way that had not humiliated Germany, Hitler would never have had a reason to come to power," said Zoran Sami, the speaker of Serbia and Montenegro's Parliament and a close associate of Kostunica. He warned that the West's strategy on Serbia was having a similar effect.

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