The SLOBODA/Freedom Association has held its Assembly Meeting in Belgrade on
September 27, 2003. The Assembly has 180 members. At the September 27th
meeting important personalities from the political and intellectual life of
Serbia, Montenegro, the Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serb Krajina
took part, including Mirko Marjanovic, long time Serbian Prime Minister,
Momir Bulatovic, former Federal Prime Minister and President of the Republic
of Montenegro, members of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Professor
Mihajlo Markovic, Professor Milos Macura, Professor Cedomir Popov, Professor
Kosta Mihailovic, Professor Ivan Maksimovic and many others. The Founder and
Co-Chairman of the ICDSM, Professor Velko Valkanov, and the Chairman of the
Russian Committee, Alexander Zinoviev, have sent their written messages.
Greetings were received from the leader of the Communist Party of the
Russian Federation, Gennadi Zyuganov, the former Soviet Prime Minister
Nikolai Rizhkov, and ICDSM Co-Chairman Ramsey Clark. Bishop Filaret of the
Serbian Orthodox Church has sent his blessing. Professor Mirko Zurovac, a
well known Belgrade philosopher, has been elected Assembly Chairman for the
next two-year term. All previous members of the Board have been re-elected
and the Board was expanded to 30 members. The Assembly unanimously adopted
the following:

For The Immediate Release Of President Slobodan Milosevic

            1. President Slobodan Milosevic, fighting on the front lines in
the struggle for truth, freedom, national sovereignty and dignity, raises
the hopes and self-confidence of the people and inspires all progressive men
and women in the world with his merit, strength and self-sacrifice.
            In despair, due to the failed attempt to distort our history in
accordance with the plans of the secret and propaganda services of the
aggressors, the Hague tribunal has reached the level of unimpeded crime.
            Acting together, the judges and the prosecutors of the tribunal
are trying to prevent President Milosevic from presenting the full truth
about the aggressors and their servants, physically even threatening his
            Instead of providing therapy and recuperation in freedom, as
demanded by the President's medical condition - which no judge has a right
to deny and especially not to refuse without discussion - the President has
been forced to prepare within three months, in fact in six weeks, from a
prison cell, a presentation to bury forever the whole aggressor's
propaganda, systematized in the "prosecution case", through several years of
work of intelligence services and hundreds of tribunal's employees, who have
been paid  with hundreds of millions of dollars. In his life threatening
physical condition he is expected to analyze within six weeks several
hundred thousand pages of the prosecution disclosure, several tens of
thousand pages of the transcripts, to contact and prepare for testimony at
least 300 of his witnesses, to collect and systematize several hundred of
thousand pages of his own documents and to inform the prosecution of all of
this in advance! Even from the point of view of elementary logic, this is an
impossible task to perform. On top of this, the witnesses and evidence he
will be allowed to present, only the so-called judges will decide that! And
all that in a situation where the visits of his wife and son, as well as all
members of Sloboda and all members of SPS, are banned.
            Against freedom - bombs! Against truth - Inquisition!

            2. They created the terrorists, they organized and financed
their crimes, and then they used them as an excuse for the bombing and
submission of a whole people, and for the cruel persecution of honest
fighters and patriots. And still the terrorists remain unpunished.
            There is even more dirty work than the work of Carla Del Ponte
and the other Hague mercenaries. For that work the people of the criminal
past and present are charged, who step on human rights, democracy and the
freedom of the press in the same way as the Chilean or Turkish military
juntas have done in the past. The people who call themselves ministers and
who for their "democratic achievements" receive praise and tips from the
foreign ambassadors ruling Serbia.
            The persecution of the family and associates of President
Milosevic goes on. And he himself is attacked by ruthless, false and absurd
charges which are motivated by one overarching goal - to destroy even the
hope for Serbia to restore its freedom.

            3. The Hague-DOS machinery for destruction of the people and of
their dignity, for the murder of freedom and the annihilation of the nation,
trembles before every expression of resistance by the people. As NATO was
shaken during the aggression, today confronted by Slobodan Milosevic and
Sloboda, The Hague and DOS are in agony.
            The bigger the resistance to the machinery of crime, the bigger
the international solidarity. From day to day, since The Hague has shown
openly its criminal face, the Russian Duma, American academics, Canadian
lawyers, German doctors, the International and the National Committees for
the defense of Slobodan Milosevic and many others, demand from the United
Nations, from their countries' governments and from the tribunal itself -
freedom for Slobodan!
            The battles for the freedom of Slobodan Milosevic and for the
freedom and dignity of Serbia are one in the same battle. They can be won
only if the humiliation, dissatisfaction and anger of the people are turned
into the gathering and the common organized action of all patriots, of all
honest people and of all of their political and creative potentials.
            Sloboda exists for that goal and will be totally devoted to it.

            4. A fighter to free humanity from the global tyranny of the
"New World Order", the most important political prisoner of today, the war
prisoner of NATO, several times democratically and directly elected
President of all citizens of Serbia and the legitimate President of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Slobodan Milosevic must be immediately
released from the Hague dungeon!
            After two years in freedom, so that he would have at least
approximately the same possibility to present the truth as much as the
Tribunal has presented its lies - that was and is a gentleman's fair
proposal by a great man capable of offering even his enemies the chance to
show a human face. Two years in freedom is also the necessary guarantee for
protecting the life of President Milosevic and for insuring that the full
truth about the epic suffering and heroism of this people in its struggle
for freedom and also about the crimes committed against are recorded in
            The Sloboda/Freedom Association, led by Slobodan Milosevic, will
mobilize all patriotic and progressive forces to continue the struggle for
the universal values of freedom and justice, the struggle to restore freedom
and democracy in Serbia - until victory!

Belgrade, September 27, 2003                Assembly of Sloboda/Freedom

The Serbian original of the Resolution and the pictures from the Sloboda
Assembly can be seen at:

SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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