The New Kosovo War 
by Nebojsa Malic 

A Diplomatic and Propaganda Assault

Last week's report by the International Crisis Group advocating the
"independence" of Kosovo seems to have been the first shot in an all-out
propaganda war to decide the future of that occupied Serbian province. The
report has received tremendous attention in the media, from wire services to
official U.S. propaganda organs, coloring every mention of Kosovo for the
past seven days. The ICG also followed the opening editorials by Nicholas
Whyte and Gareth Evans with a second salvo, as board member Wesley Clark
pontificated in the War Street Journal. What is perhaps most disturbing,
there are growing indications that the Bush regime is sympathetic to ICG's

This kind of media assault is unprecedented since the spring of 1999, and
indeed represents the most serious rhetorical and diplomatic escalation of
the Kosovo crisis since the war itself. It is as if the second war for
Kosovo is already underway, launched by the very same people behind the
first. This time, the bombs and bullets are editorials and polls; but the
conflict will be no less deadly.

The Onslaught Continues

Following up on the ICG hype was once again Patrick Moore of Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, whose "analysis" of an interview given the week before
by Serbian president Tadic - which ruled out Kosovo's independence - was
basically a rehash of the ICG's arguments. Indeed, Moore termed ICG's report
as "a growing body of international opinion."

Certainly, judging by the sheer number and intensity of pro-ICG editorials,
there is a disturbing amount of support for the Group's position in the
circles of power. For example, James Zirin of the Council on Foreign
Relations, writing in the Sunday's Washington Times, essentially repeated
ICG's talking points and peppered them with yet more dubious assertions and
specious claims. 

Another article in the European edition of Stars and Stripes, a U.S.
military publication, revealed that the "report by the Brussels-based think
tank was circulated to the media by the U.S. State Department's headquarters
in Pristina, Kosovo, but was not officially endorsed by the Americans"
(emphasis added). So the State Department is acting as ICG's paperboy now?
How is that not an endorsement?!

The most recent shot so far has been an op-ed by Wesley Clark, former U.S.
general and commander of NATO's forces during the 1999 attack on Serbia, in
Tuesday's Wall Street Journal. Titled "Set Kosovo Free," Clark's pitch of
the ICG report - he is on the Group's board, after all - appropriates
Emperor Bush's rhetoric of "freedom," spiced with his own Serbophobia. 

He smugly claimed that "Kosovo has already held two democratic elections."
So did Poland in 1947; what's his point? He also argued the province had
somehow "developed the foundations of a modern, functioning economy." This
is how he describes terrorism, weapons-smuggling, drug-running, slavery, and
extortion? No wonder his presidential bid crashed like an F-117.

The Speech Not Heard

On the other hand, the closest thing to Belgrade's official line on Kosovo
was completely ignored by the press. Special government envoy Nebojsa Covic
spoke passionately to the European Parliament Commission in Brussels on Jan.
25; but as far as the mainstream media were concerned, that simply didn't

Now it may be slightly absurd that Covic is not only director of the
government's Kosovo Coordination Center, but also the head of a small
opposition party, but that fact should make him more interesting to the
media, not less. Instead, while the ICG gets the spotlight, Covic - and by
extension, official Belgrade - is completely ignored. 

Fears of an EU Commissar

Perhaps the best indicator of how this Washington-centered offensive is
presented by the media is a statement by Erhard Busek, commissar of the EU's
Stability Pact (an initiative aimed at eventually annexing the Balkans to
the Union). In an interview to Reuters on Jan. 27, Busek expressed fear that
Washington could unilaterally recognize the independence of Kosovo. Now how
on earth could he have received that impression?

Peculiar Polls

Belgrade, on the other hand, has been distracted by internal problems, and
has not really responded to the media blitzkrieg surrounding the ICG report.

If any further statements, official or not, had in fact been issued, they
would have been undercut by this week's publication of poll results
suggesting that most Serbians have accepted losing Kosovo. The poll was
conducted in late December, and the size of the sample was only 2000 people,
so it's hard to say whether they accurately represent the public opinion in
Serbia. There is no doubt, however, that many in the West want them to - not
after the glee evident in Reuters' report about the poll, that at the same
time practically cheered for ICG's recommendations. The timing of the poll
is too convenient to be a coincidence - though that is certainly possible.
It is just that there have been so many . coincidences regarding Kosovo
lately, it isn't hard to be instantly suspicious.

Diplomatic Default?

The silence of Serbian diplomacy in the face of this all-out Imperial
assault on its sovereignty is deafening. Neither Foreign Minister Draskovic
nor his ambassadors in Washington and Brussels have approached the media
with a counterstory. The general impression is that they are at a loss as to

Most of the Milosevic-era diplomats have been purged (not that their
training, better suited to a Cold-War world, would have been of any use now
anyway), and the people who replaced them either have no diplomatic
experience - or worse yet, have loyalties elsewhere. Instead of a Kaunitz,
Metternich, or even a Talleyrand, Serbia has Draskovic, an eccentric
ex-writer with paranoid delusions.

The Coming Battle

It appears that the diplomatic Battle of Kosovo has begun in earnest. On one
side are the forces of Bushian "freedom" and Clintonian "humanitarianism,"
champions of Empire and practitioners of terrorism. On the other isn't
Serbia, but just a handful of those who still believe in law and sovereignty
as the last vestiges of order keeping civilization alive. 

Kosovo has long been a cornerstone of Serbian cultural, ethnic, and
religious identity, as a place where the last medieval prince of Serbia
perished defending the faith and liberty of his people against the Turkish
onslaught. Whether there is any truth to their motivations in the Serbian
legends or not, the fact remains that Prince Lazar and his army rode out
against the Turks in June 1389 fully aware that they might be defeated and
destroyed, but choosing to stand and fight nonetheless. Now a similar choice
is before their descendants, who seem absolutely unequal to the task. 

No wonder the ICG and its allies are so bold: they can smell the cowardice
and incompetence all the way to Washington.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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