[According to Sgrena's partner, the Sgrena convoy was on a satellite phone 
with Berlusconi's office at the time of the US attack on her convoy, and the 
US jammed the telephone connection.  The utter incompetence of this failed 
assassination attempt is the most surprising thing about it.-NY Transfer] 

Prensa Latina, Havana 

US Tries to Avoid Charges by Italian Journalist 

Washington, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) In an effort to circumvent charges by 
Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, survivor of the deliberate US 
military attack on the vehicle driving her and Italian agent Nicola 
Calpari to Baghdad airport, US government spokesman Scott McClellan 
called the accusations "absurd". 

Sgrena was wounded last Friday en route to the Baghdad airport after 
her release from resistance kidnappers, when her vehicle was repeatedly 
shot by a US patrol 700 meters from the air termninal. Italian secret 
agent Nicola Calipari, who negotiated her release, died in the 

According to Qatari Al Jazeera, the shooting late Friday was witnessed 
by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's office which was on the phone with 
one of the secret service agents, said Sgrena's partner, Pier Scolari, 
who had flown to Baghdad in order to accompany her back home. 

"Then the US military silenced the cell phones," he charges. "Giuliana 
had information, and the US military did not want her to survive," he 
added on leaving Rome's Celio military hospital where Sgrena was to 
undergo surgery. 

The entire event once more pokes controversy over the strategies 
implemented in occupied Iraq as Sgrena denounced that she became target 
due to the Pentagon refusal to negotiate with her kidnappers. 

Even the Washington Post denounced as recurrent such "errors" as a 
White House attempt to justify the incident. 

Police agents, women and children have been victims of similar errors 
while approaching checkpoints through out Baghdad for the past 18 months 
and attest to the procedure and impunity the US troops may enjoy should 
the victims sue the perpetrators, adds the Post. 

A Pentagon report indicates that the 3rd Infantry Division, guilty of 
this attack, has been blamed for past attacks on Iraqi civilians, and 
the NGO Human Rights Watch detailed 11 such incidents involving the 
death of Iraqi civilians at checkpoints controlled by US soldiers. 

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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