26. juli 2002.

14:00 Miroslav Marinkovic, sef kragujevacke kancelarije Vlade Srbije
izjavio je da je Republicka agencija za razvoj na teritoriji Kragujevca
do sada odobrila 170 kredita za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeca.

Miroslav Marinkovic, chief of Kragujevac office of Serbian Government
has stated that the Republic agency for development in territory of
Kragujevac has approved 170 credits for development of small and medium
enterpizes so far.

13:40 Lider Srpskog pokreta obnove (SPO) Vuk Drasovic najavio je
mogucnost da se kandiduje za predsednika Srbije.

Leader of the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) Vuk Draskovic has announced
possibility of candidating for Serbian president.

13:20 Oficiri Vojske Jugoslavije nisu se danas odazvali pozivu Anketne
komisije Skupstine Srbije, koja ispituje tvrdnje o prisluskivanju
predsednika SRJ i navodni nalog vojsci da zbog toga izvrsi upad u
prostorije Biroa za komunicije Vlade Srbije.

Officers of the Yugoslav Army did not appear today before the Inquiry
commission of Serbian Parliament, which is investigating allegations
regarding surveillance of FRY president and alleged order to the Army to
enter premises of Serbian Government's Department for communications.

13:00 Bivsi predsednik SRJ Slobodan Milosevic poceo je unakrsno
ispitivanje bivseg sefa Drzavne bezbednosti Srbije Radomira Markovica,
koji je pred Haski tribunal doveden kao svedok Tuzilastva.

Former president of the FRY Slobodan Milosevic has started
cross-examination of former chief of the National Security Agency of
Serbia Radomir Markovic, who was brought before the Hague Tribunal as
the Prosecution witness.

12:40 Savezni ustavni sud usvojio je danas ustavnu zalbu Demokratske
stranke Srbije na odluke republickih organa kojima je toj stranci oduzet
jedan broj mandata u Skupstini Srbije.

Federal Constitutional court has passed today constitutional plea of the
Democratic Party of Serbia regarding decision of the republic organs, by
which the party has been taken away certain number of mandates in
Serbian Parliament.

12:20 Na tribini juce odrzanoj u Prokuplju, na kojoj su portparol
UNMIK-a Suzan Manuel i predstavnici medjunarodnih nevladinih i
humanitarnih organizacija razgovarali sa izbeglim Srbima sa Kosova,
doslo je do incidenta kada je predsednik Odbora za povratak Miroslav
Solevic pozvao okupljene da napuste ovaj skup.

At yesterday's meeting in Prokuplje, where UNMIK spokeswoman Susan
Manuel and representatives of international non-government and
humanitarian organizations talked to refuged Serbs from Kosovo, an
incident occured when president of the Board for return Miroslav Solevic
invited gathered Serbs to leave the meeting.

12:00 Postoje veliki izgledi da Savezni ustavni sud na sutrasnjoj javnoj
sednici usvoji ustavnu zalbu Demokratske stranke Srbije zbog oduzimanja
21 poslanickog mandata te stranke u Skupstini Srbije, saznaje danasnja
beogradska stampa od izvora bliskih tom sudu.

There are big chances the Federal Constitutional court would adopt at
tomorrow's public session, constitutional plea of the Democratic Party
of Serbia because of taking away 21 deputy manadates of the party in
Serbian Parliament, Belgrade press learn today from sources close to the

11:40 Potpredsednik Savezne vlade Miroljub Labus doziveo je jutros laksu
saobracajnu nesrecu na putu u Ljig, ali nije povredjen. Nesreca se
dogodila na oko 50 kilometara od Beograda, na Ibarskoj magistrali.
Beogradska policija potvrdila je danije bilo povredjenih.

Vice president of the Federal Government Miroljub Labus has been
involved in a car accident this morning on his way to Ljig, but he was
not hurt. The accident happened around 50 kilometres from Belgrade, on
Ibar highway. Belgrade police has confirmed there were no injured

11:20 Predsednik SNP-a Predrag Bulatovic izjavio je sinoc da ce se
zaloziti da se redefinisanoj koaliciji "Za Jugoslaviju" na predstojecim
parlamentarnim izborima prikljuce jos neke stranke i licnosti koje su za
ocuvanje zajednicke drzave, crnogorski mediji javljaju.

President of the Socialist People's Party Predrag Bulatovic has stated
last night he would stand for joining some other parties and persons
that are for preserving joint country, to redefined coalition "Za
Jugoslaviju" (For Yugoslavia) at the forthcoming parliamentary

11:00 Potpredsednik Savezne vlade Miroljub Labus i predstavnici vlada
Srbije i Crne Gore potpisali su juce u Solunu bilateralni sporazum o
razvojnom programu saradnje Jugoslavije i Grcke od 2002. do 2006.
godine. Grcka pomoc Jugoslaviji sastoji se od 250 miliona evra, od cega
Crne Gora dobija 17,5 miliona.

Vice president of the Federal Government Miroljub Labus and
representatives of Serbian and Montenegrin Governments have signed
yesterday in Salonika a bilateral agreement on development programme of
cooperation between Yugoslavia and Greece from year 2002 to 2006. The
greek aid to Yugoslavia consists of 250 million Euros, from which
Montenegro would get 17,5 million Euros.

10:40 Portparol Haskog tribunala Florans Artman pozvala je nadlezne u
SRJ i Republici Srpskoj da uhapse Radovana Karadzica i Ratka Mladica.

Spokeswoman of the Hague Tribunal Florence Artman has invited authorized
organs in the FRY and the Republicof Srpska to arrest Radovana Karadzica
and Ratka Mladica.

10:20 Sadasnji i bivsi sef Resora drzavne bezbednosti Andreja Savic i
Goran Petrovic trebalo bi danas da svedoce pred Anketnom komisijom za
ispitivanje afere "Pavkovic". Takodje je pozvano i vise aktivnih oficira
Vojske Jugoslavije.

Present and former chieves of the National Security Agency Andreja Savic
and Goran Petrovic should testify today before the Inquiry commission
for investigating "Pavkovic affair". Certain number of active officers
of the Yugoslav Army have also been invited.

10:00 Predsednik Crne Gore Milo DJukanovic ocenio je da bi Ustavna
povelja mogla biti mnogo brze napisana da ju je pisalo manje eksperata.

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has assessed that the
Constitutional document could have been written much sooner if it had
been written by less experts.

09:40 Visoki predstavnik Evropske unije za spoljnu politiku i bezbednost
Havijer Solana izrazio je nadu da ce rad tima eksperata Srbije i Crne
Gore na izradi povelje buduce zajednicke drzave biti zavrsen do kraja

High Representative Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana has
expressed hope that work of expert teams from Serbia and Montenegro on
making future Constitutional document would be finished by the end of

09:20 U tri opstine na jugu Srbije Presevu, Bujanovcu i Medvedji pocela
je izborna tisina pred vanredne lokalne izbore u nedelju.

Election silence has begun in three municipalities in south of Serbia,
Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, before non-scheduled local elections on

00:00 U blizini Srebrenice otkrivena je jos jedna grobnica sa, kako se
pretpostavlja, vise od 100 tela, ali su do sada pronadjeni ostaci 15

Another mass grave was discovered in the vicinity of Srebrenica. It is
believed that the grave contains more than one hundred bodies, but until
now, only remains of 15 victims have been found.

23:40 Kandidujem se za predsednika Srbije da nam zemlja ne propadne i da
ne bi otisla na stranputicu kojom je krenula, izjavio je predsednik Nove
Srbije Velimir Ilic, isticuci da je on kandidat gradjana.

I am going to run as candidate for the Serbian president, so as to
prevent our country from getting ruined and going astray, New Serbia
(NS) leader Velimir Ilic, pointing out that he was a citizens'

23:20 Predsednik Reformista Vojvodine (RV) Miodrag Isakov ocenio je da
bi bilo najbolje da DOS ima vise kandidata, kako bi omogucili gradjanima
da biraju izmedju nekoliko politickih koncepcija, koje su se u
medjuvremenu isprofilisale u DOS.

Miodrag Isakov, the president of The Vojvodina Reformists (RV) estimated
that the best thing for DOS would be to have more than one candidate, so
that voters could choose between different political concepts that have
surfaced within DOS.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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