Podgorica - The Commission for drafting the Constitutional charter of Serbia and Montenegro might soon get a new draft of the document, coordinated by the governments of Serbia and Montenegro - inform Podgorica media, quoting the well informed sources from Beta Agency. Officially, the proponent of the draft will not be the two governments, and the new draft "might be acceptable for the majority of the participators in the negotiations" - quotes "Pobjeda". The member of the Commission for drafting of the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro and the official of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Miodrag Vukovic, underlined, however, that the possibility that the governments of Serbia and Montenegro agree also about the political aspect of the Belgrade Agreement should not be ruled out. Representative of the Liberal Alliance (LS) in the Constitutional Commission Dejan Vucinic said that in the very initial points of the Belgrade Agreement existed an option of including the governments of Serbia and Montenegro in drafting of the text of the Constitutional charter. Vice President of the Socialist People's Party (SNP) Zoran Zizic said that the governments could not be the authors of the Charter. President of the Serb People's Party (SNS) Bozidar Bojovic is also of the opinion that the governments of Montenegro and Serbia have no legal right to draft the state's most important legislative act. CONTINUATION OF THE DISCUSSION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF MONTENEGRO'S PARLIAMENTARY PARTIES ABOUT THE ELECTION AND MEDIA LAWS NO AGREEMENT SO FAR Podgorica - Not even yesterday did the representatives of Montenegro's parliamentary parties succeeded in reaching an agreement about the election and media laws, that are supposed to be in effect at the coming parliamentary elections. The discussion about the election of the Republic and municipal electoral commissions, as well as about the way of the mandate allocation in the electoral unit where Albanians make the majority of the population, will be continued today. The representatives of the OSCE and the Council of Europe will also attend the meeting. The representatives of Montenegro's parliamentary parties are also expected to discuss about the rules regarding the media presentation of political parties in the electoral campaign. PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF MONTENEGRO LJUBISA KRGOVIC: NEW WAY OF PAYMENT BETWEEN MONTENEGRO AND SERBIA Podgorica - The Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG) presented recently to the National Bank of Yugoslavia a proposal of the payment system between Montenegro and Serbia - stated Ljubisa Krgovic, the president of the Council the CBCG in his interview to Podgorica daily "Vijesti". The essence of the proposal, according to Krgovic, implies opening of collective accounts for both central banks, which would channel all payment actions between the two republics. The system of payment proposed by the CBCG represents the application of the agreement of the governments of Serbia and Montenegro, which implies the harmonization of economic relations, primarily the two separate monetary and banking systems - Krgovic said. In Montenegrin PODGORICKI MEDIJI PISU: NOVI PREDLOG ZA USTAVNU POVELJU Podgorica - Komisija za izradu Ustavne povelje Srbije i Crne Gore mogla bi da uskoro dobije novi predlog tog dokumenta, usaglasen izmedju vlada Srbije i Crne Gore - pisu podgoricki mediji, pozivajuci se na dobro obavijestene izvore beogradske agencije Beta. Predlagac tog rjesenja zvanicno nece biti dvije vlade, a novi predlog "mogao bi da bude prihvatljiv za vecinu ucesnika u pregovorima"-navodi''Pobjeda''. Clan Komisije za izradu Ustavne povelje Srbije i Crne Gore i funkcioner Demokratske partije socijalista (DPS) Miodrag Vukovic je istakao da nije iskljuceno da se i o politickom dijelu sporazuma dogovore dvije vlade Srbije i Crne Gore. Predstavnik Liberalnog saveza (LS) u Ustavnoj komisiji Dejan Vucinic je izjavio da mogucnost ukljucivanja vlada Srbije i Crne Gore u pisanju teksta Ustavne povelje postoji u polaznim osnovama Beogradskog sporazuma. Potpredsjednik Socijalisticke narodne partije (SNP) Zoran Zizic ocjenjuje da vlade ne mogu biti autori povelje. Predsjednik Srpske narodne stranke (SNS) Bozidar Bojovic, takodje smatra da vlade Crne Gore i Srbije nemaju legitimit za pisanje najveceg pravnog akta jedne drzave. NASTAVAK RASPRAVE PREDSTAVNIKA CRNOGORSKIH PARLAMENTARNIH STRANAKA O IZBORNIM I MEDIJSKIM ZAKONIMA DO SADA - BEZ DOGOVORA Podgorica - Predstavnici crnogorskih parlamentarnih stranaka ni juce nijesu postigli konacan dogovor o izbornom i medijskim zakonima koji, bi vazili na predstojecim parlamentarnim izborima 6. oktobra. Rasprava o izboru Republicke i opstinskih izbornih komisija, kao i o nacinu raspodjele mandata u izbornoj jedinici gdje su Albanci vecinsko stanovnistvo bice nastavljena danas, uz prisustvo predstavnika OEBS-a i Savjeta Evrope. Predstavnici crnogorskih parlamentarnih stranaka raspravljace i o pravilima medijske prezentacije politickih stranaka tokom predizborne kampanje. PREDSJEDNIK SAVJETA CENTRALNE BANKE CRNE GORE LJUBISA KRGOVIC: NOVI NACIN PLACANJA IZMEDJU CRNE GORE I SRBIJE Podgorica - Centralna banka Crne Gore (CBCG) uputila je nedavno Narodnoj banci Jugoslavije (NBJ) predlog sistema placanja izmedju Crne Gore i Srbije - izjavio je za podgoricke "Vijesti" predsjednik Savjeta CBCG Ljubisa Krgovic. Sustina tog predloga, po rijecima Krgovica je da obje centralne banke otvore zbirne racune, preko kojih bi isla sva placanja izmedju dvije republike. Sistem placanja koji je predlozila CBCG je operacionalizacija sporazuma vlada Srbije i Crne Gore koji predvidja harmonizaciju ekonomskih odnosa, u prvom redu dva odvojena monetarna i bankarska sistema - rekao je Krgovic. NIZE CIJENE U TIVATSKIM HOTELIMA POLUPANSION 17,9 EURA Podgorica - Zavrsetkom spica turisticke sezone, cijene smjestaja u tivatskim hotelima od danas ce biti nize za 15 do 20 odsto. Za postsezonu cijena polupansiona u tivatskim hotelima krece se od 16 do 17,9 eura. U sest hotela na tivatskoj rivijeri trenutno odmara oko 1200 turista, od cega su vecinom stranci. NA CRNOGORSKOM PRIMORJU POCELO SNIMANJE "MATILDE" Podgorica - Na Crnogorskom primorju pocelo je snimanje filma "Matilda", sa Dzeremi Ajronsom, Zanom Moro, Radetom Serbedzijom i Sesil Rot u glavnim ulogama. Prva klapa pala je sinoc u Rafajlovicima, a snimanje filma koji ce trajati oko dva mjeseca odvijace se na drugim atraktivnim lokacijama na Crnogorskom primorju. Pruducent "Matilde" je italijanska filmska kuca "Blu kinematografika" u saradnji sa "Filmom 87" iz Beograda. Izvrsni producent je Pjero Amati, kome je ovo cetvrti film koji snima u Crnoj Gori. ANSAMBL KIC-a "BUDU TOMOVIC" NA SMOTRI U ALATRI PODGORICANI ODUSEVILI ITALIJANE Podgorica - Ansambl Kulturno-informativnog centra (KIC) "Budo Tomovic" iz Podgorice predstavio se nedavno na 32. medjunarodnom festivalu folklora u italijnskom gradu Alatri. Za vrijeme izvodjenja programa ansambla KIC-a "Budo Tomovic" prikazan je i film o Podgorici i Crnoj Gori, a podgoricani su dobili i pozive od svih zemalja ucesnica za gostovanje na predstojecim festivalima. Serbian News Network - SNN [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.antic.org/