Podgorica - The discussion on draft Constitutional charter and on the Law on its implementation, which Montenegro's Parliament was supposed to start tomorrow, has been postponed at the request of the representatives' club of the Socialist People's Party (SNP), and it will be held on Tuesday, January 28. In the meantime, a new working group will be formed in order to prepare the Law on electing representatives for the parliament of the joint state. CO-PRESIDING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION DRAGAN KUJOVIC: MINORITY RIGHTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WORLD DEMOCRACY STANDARDS Podgorica - I expect that the area of human and minority rights and civil freedoms will be regulated in a special charter - stated co-presiding of the Constitutional commission Dragan Kujovic. We have to prove that we can follow keep up with the standards of the democratically developed world, without fear of endangering any of human or minority rights or civil freedoms - said Kujovic. The Subcommission, formed by the Constitutional Commission, is expected to finish the working version of the Charter on human rights and civil freedoms by January 30. The document has to be adopted before the constitution of the state union of Montenegro and Serbia - underlined Kujovic. ON REPEATED PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN MONTENEGRO THE CAMPAIGN STARTS ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 Podgorica - The campaign for the presidential elections in Montenegro, scheduled for February 9, 2003, is starting on Saturday, January 25. All eleven presidential candidates, who participated in the elections of December 22, 2002, will run for president in the repeated elections. There will be no changes in the electoral lists - said President of the Electoral Commission Branislav Radulovic, since it was a continuation of previous elections, which has to be organized under the same elections as the previous ones. In Montenegrin SKUPSTINA CRNE GORE ODLOZENA RASPRAVA O USTAVNOJ POVELJI Podgorica-Rasprava o Predlogu ustavne povelje i Zakonu za njeno sprovodjenje,koja je trebalo da pocne juce u crnogorskom parlamentu,odgodjena je na zahtjev poslanickog kluba opozicione Socijalisticke narodne partije(SNP) i bice odrzana u utorak 28.januara. U medjuvremenu ce biti formirana nova radna grupa,koja do sjednice treba da pripremi zakon o izboru poslanika za parlament drzavne zajednice. KOPREDSJEDAVAJUCI USTAVNE KOMISIJE DRAGAN KUJOVIC: MANJINSKA PRAVA PO STANDARDIMA DEMOKRATSKOG SVIJETA Podgorica-Ocekujem da ce oblast ljudskih, manjinskih prava i gradjanskih sloboda biti uredjena posebnom poveljom-rekao je kopredsjedavajuci Ustavne komisije Dragan Kujovic. Moramo pokazati da mozemo pratiti standarde demokratsog razvijenog svijeta,bez bojazni da ce mo ugroziti bilo koje ljudsko pravo,kao i pravo manjinskih naroda i gradjanskih sloboda uopste-rekao je Kujovic. Potkomisija,koju je formirala Ustavna komisija treba da do 30.januara uradi radnu verziju Povelje o ljudskim pravima i gradjanskim slobodama.Taj dokument mora biti usvojen prije konstituisanja drzavne zajednice Crne Gore i Srbije-porucio je Kujovic. O PONOVLJENIM PREDSJEDNICKIM IZBORIMA U CRNOJ GORI KAMPANJA POCINJE U SUBOTU 25.JANUARA Podgorica-Kampanja za predsjednicke izbore u Crnoj Gori,zakazane za 9.februar ove godine pocece u subotu 25.januara. Na ponovljenim predsjednickim izborima u Crnoj Gori ucestvovace svih jedanaest kandidata,koji su se 22.decembra prosle godine kandidovali za funkciju predsjednika Republike. U birackim spiskovima nece biti izmjena-rekao je predsjednik Republicke izborne komisije Branislav Radulovic i objasnio da je u pitanju nastavak glasanja,koje mora biti organizovano pod istim uslovima kao predhodni. NA MEDJUNARODNOM SAJMU TURIZMA U PRAGU: DANI CRNE GORE Podgorica-Na Medjunarodnom sajmu turizma u Pragu,crnogorski turizam bice predstavljen kroz manifestaciju"Dani Crne Gore",koju organizuje ceski turoperater "Kovotur plus". Na manifestaciji ce ucestvovati predstavnici Ministarstva turizma Crne Gore,turisticke organizacije i privrednici sa primorja. Prema vec ugovorenim aranzmanima turisti iz Ceske ce na crnogorsko primorje dolaziti u grupama od 3.juna do 24.septembra.Za njihov dolazak bice organizovani carter letovi iz Praga,Ostrave i Brna do Tivta,a u ponudi su i dolasci autobusima,kao i putovanja vozom do Bara. Serbian News Network - SNN [EMAIL PROTECTED]