Podgorica - The election results confirm that Montenegro is firmly set on its democratic, reform and pro-European road - said Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic in his interview to Sarajevo`s "Daily Avaz". Now the conditions are created for forming of a reform and competent government, which will take the opportunity to draw Montenegro nearer to the European Union (EU) - Djukanovic said. The Government will prove that Montenegro can solve by itself all the difficulties and then it would be easier to talk about Montenegro's independence - Djukanovic said, underlining that the idea of independent Montenegro was "by no means dead". I still believe that the independence of Montenegro and Serbia will be only a logical epilogue of the process of dissolution of ex-Yugoslavia - explained Djukanovic. SOLANA`S ENVOYS TALKED IN PODGORICA WITH THE STATE LEADERSHIP AND POLITICAL LEADERS TO ADOPT THE CONSTITUTIONAL CHARTER URGENTLY Podgorica - It is necessary to make further efforts for urgent adoption of the constitutional charter of the future state union of Serbia and Montenegro - this was the opinion of Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic and Stefan Lehne, the special envoy of the High Representative of the European Union (EU). Djukanovic and Lehne said that the work ought to be ended as soon as possible and that the state union of Serbia and Montenegro ought to be constituted in accordance with the Belgrade Agreement. On that purpose, contacts between Podgorica, Belgrade and Brussels will be intensified in the coming period - states an announcement from the Cabinet of Montenegro's President. Stefan Lehne and the Venetian Commission official Tomas Market, talked in Podgorica yesterday with Montenegro's Prime Minister Filip Vujanovic, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Rifat Rastoder and leaders of parliamentary parties. THE CO-PRESIDING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION STILL WITH NOT AGREEMENT: THE CONTENTIOUS ISSUE OF ELECTING REPRESENTATIVES Podgorica - The Co-Presiding of the Commission for drafting the constitutional charter of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro did not succeed to come to an agreement about the manner of electing representatives to the future state's parliaments. Representative of the ruling Montenegrin coalition Miodrag Vukovic stated that he saw nothing contentious in electing representatives, considering that the Belgrade Agreement leaves the mandate issue to the member states` legislature. The next session of the Constitutional Commission is scheduled for October 26. In Montenegrin CRNOGORSKI PREDSJEDNIK MILO DJUKANOVIC U INTERVJUU SARAJEVSKOM DNEVNOM AVAZU: IDEJA O NEZAVISNOJ CRNOJ GORI NIJE MRTVA Podgorica - Izborni rezultati potvrdjuju da je Crna Gora utemeljena na svom demokratskom, reformskom i proevropskom putu - rekao je crnogorski predsjednik Milo Djukanovic u intervjuu sarajevskom Dnevnom avazu. Sada su stvoreni svi uslovi da se formira reformska i kompententna Vlada, koja ce sljedece cetiri godine iskoristiti da Crnu Goru sto vise priblizi Evropskoj uniji (EU) - naglasio je Djukanovic. Vlada ce dokazati da Crna Gora moze sama rijesiti sve poteskoce i onda ce se mirnije razgovarati o nezavisnosti Crne Gore - rekao je Djukanovic, naglasavajuci da ideja o nezavisnoj Crnoj Gori "niposto nije mrtva". I dalje vjerujem da je nezavisnost Crne Gore i Srbije logican epilog procesa disolucije ex - Jugoslavije - pojasnio je Djukanovic. SOLANINI IZASLANICI U PODGORICI RAZGOVARALI SA DRZAVNIM RUKOVODSTVOM I POLITICKIM LIDERIMA HITNO USVOJITI USTAVNU POVELJU Podgorica - Neophodno je uciniti dodatne napore radi hitnog usvajanja ustavne povelje buduce drzavne zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore - ocijenili su crnogorski predsjednik Milo Djukanovic i specijalni izaslanik visokog predstavnika Evropske unije (EU) Stefan Lene u jucerasnjem razgovoru u Podgorici. Djukanovic i Lene su naglasili da bi taj posao trebalo sto prije okoncati i konstituisati drzavnu zajednicu Srbije i Crne Gore u skladu sa Beogradskim sporazumom. Tim povodom narednih dana bice intenzivirani kontakti Podgorice, Beograda i Brisela - navodi se u saopstenju iz kabineta predsjednika Crne Gore. Lene i funkcioner Venecijanske komisije Tomas Market razgovarali su juce u Podgorici i sa predsjednikom crnogorske Vlade Filipom Vujanovica, potpredsjednikom Skupstine Rifatom Rastoderom i liderima parlamentarnih stranaka. KOPREDSJEDAVAJUCI USTAVNE KOMISIJE JUCE BEZ DOGOVORA: SPORAN IZBOR POSLANIKA Podgorica - Kopredsjedavajuci komisije za pisanje ustavne povelje drzavne zajednice srbije i Crne Gore nijesu juce uspjeli da se dogovore oko nacina izbora poslanika parlamenta buduce zajednice. Predstavnik vladajuve crnogorske koalicije Miodrag Vukovic izjavio je da ne vidi nista sporno oko izbora poslanika, s obzirom da je Beogradski sporazum taj mandat dao zakonima drzava clanica. Ucesnici sastanka su narednu sjednicu Ustavne komisije zakazali za 26. oktobar. NA MEDJUNARODNOM SAJMU U NOVOM SADU PREDSTAVLJEN CRNOGORSKI PLANINSKI TURIZAM ZIVOMANJE NA KREDIT Podgorica - Na nedavnom Medjunarodnom sajmu lova, ribolova, sporta i turizma "LORIST" koji je odrzan u Novom Sadu, Crna Gora je nastupila jedinstveno sa cetrdesetak turistickih preduzeca. U turistickoj prezentaciji Crne Gore na tom sajmu, akcenat je stavljen na zimske turisticke centre. Hotelijeri u Kolasinu i Zabljaku turistima ce pruziti mogucnost uplate aranzmana na rate, a cijene smjestaja su na nivou proslogodisnjih. Serbian News Network - SNN [EMAIL PROTECTED]