Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   May 28th , 2002, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   The Ex-Evil Empire Joins the Fold

   Russia joined the military alliance created to wage war 
   against it on Tuesday. NATO hopes the former evil empire's 
   presence will justify the body's continued existence.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_562580_1_A,00.html

   Pakistan Missile Tests Finished

   Pakistan on Tuesday ignored international pressure and fired a third
   and final ballistic missile in a series of tests that India has
   called "provocative". Pakistani state television said the missile
   test had taken place early Tuesday and read a statement from the
   country's military rulers that the missiles tests were now
   completed. Indian Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh in response to
   Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's nationally televised speech
   said India will stick to its policy of no first use of nuclear
   weapons. Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee has yet to
   comment on Mr. Musharraf's speech during which he said Pakistan does
   not want war but rather peace in the disputed Himalayan region of
   Kashmir. On Tuesday, military officials from both countries
   confirmed another night of cross-border clashes. Artillery, mortar
   and machine gun exchanges had taken place at numerous locations
   along the Line of Control.

   NATO and Russia Sign Historic Agreement

   NATO and Russia have created a new forum for security co-operation
   at a landmark ceremony outside Rome. The 20 world leaders on hand
   created the NATO-Russia Council, a body which will give Russia an
   equal voice in NATO matters including regional emergencies, arms
   control and sea-rescue operations. NATO Secretary General George
   Robertson hailed the pact as one that joins nations from "Vancouver
   to Vladivostok."

   Bush Meets with Pontiff in Vatican

   U.S. President George W. Bush met Pope John Paul at the Vatican
   Tuesday. The audience with the pontiff lasted 20 minutes and the
   Pope, whose health has been failing, appeared to be in relatively
   good condition. Before the meeting Mr. Bush said he planned to
   discuss the paedophilia crisis that has shaken the U.S. Catholic
   Church. The stop at the Vatican was Mr. Bush's last stop on his trip
   to Europe before flying back to the United States.

   Israeli Forces Arrest Senior Palestinian Militant in Jenin

   Israeli forces entered the West Bank city of Jenin Tuesday and
   arrested several people, including a senior Palestinian militant.
   One Palestinian was reported to have been killed in an exchange of
   fire with Israeli troops during the incursion, which comes a day
   after a Palestinian suicide bomber killed an 18-month-old girl and
   her grandmother at a cafe in Israel. The suicide bombing was the
   fifth such attack in Israel in little more than a week. U.S.
   officials are meanwhile saying the administration is debating
   whether to set a negotiating timetable for a Middle East peace

   Maoist Guerrillas Suffer Heavy Losses in Overnight Battle in Nepal

   A Nepali defence official is reporting that at least 100 Maoist
   guerrillas were killed in an overnight battle with the country's
   security forces. The official said the guerrillas attempted to
   attack a military camp in Rukum district in the west of the
   Himalayan kingdom in waves of hundreds of fighters. Five soldiers
   were killed and 22 others were wounded. More than 2,000 people have
   been killed in fighting in the country in the past six months.

   Coalition Forces Bomb Iraqi Air Defence Installations

   Coalition forces say that they have bombed Iraqi air defence
   installations after planes enforcing the northern no-fly zone took
   on hostile fire. The U.S. European Command Center in Stuttgart said
   the incident occurred near the Saddam Dam near Ninava. This comes a
   day after Baghdad said its forces shot down an unmanned surveillance
   plane. The Pentagon has since conceded that the drone did crash but
   has denied that it was shot down by Iraq.

   U.S. Treasury Secretary Visits AIDS Support Organisation in Uganda

   U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Niell, who is on a trip to Uganda,
   has said that poor African nations need all of the help they can
   get. O'Neill, together with the Irish rock singer Bono, visited an
   HIV/AIDS support organisation in the country and was told by doctors
   at the centre that it could not accept more foreign assistance
   because of so-called currency fears. There are fears in Uganda that
   an influx of U.S. aid dollars in the African country could drive up
   the value of the Ugandan shilling, which in turn would make Ugandan
   products more costly in foreign markets. The U.S. treasury
   secretary said it was "unbelievable" the clinic could accept NO MORE
   MONEY when its needs were so great.

   U.S. Sends Food Aid to Southern Africa

   The United Nations World Food Programme has said the United States
   has sent a shipment of 33,000 tonnes of food aid to help feed the
   millions of people in southern Africa. The WFP, the world's
   largest food aid agency, said the U.S. chartered vessel "Liberty
   Glory" had docked at Dar es Salaam over the weekend and offloaded
   most of the food onto trucks and rail wagons destined for Malawi and
   Zambia. The ship planned to continue its journey to Maputo to
   deliver the remaining 9,890 tonnes of food to Mozambicans.

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