Sloboda/Freedom Association informs the public that the health condition of President Milosevic has been deteriorate again. His blood pressure during the weekend has been up to 230/120 mmHg.

          For that reason we have sent to the Tribunal an urgent demand for the team of medical specialists from the Military Medical Academy (VMA) in Belgrade to go to The Hague immediately. First request for the visit of this medical team has been sent to the Tribunal on November 9.

          It is obvious that the Tribunal attempts by all means to hide the truth about the medical condition of President Milosevic and to prevent him from getting the cure. The fact that President's health condition is bad even now when the process is adjourned proves that the all statements and so-called conclusions and decisions of the representatives of the Tribunal are an attempt to fool the public and to hide the organized crime. But the responsibility for that crime can not be hidden.

          Sloboda/Freedom Association calls upon all citizens and all responsible domestic and international factors to act immediately and do everything necessary in this dramatic situation.


  Text of Sloboda fax sent to The Hague Tribunal:

                                                        Mr. Hans Holtuis, Registrar

                                                        Ms. Monica Martinez

                                                        Legal officer to the Registry


                                                        The Hague, The Netherlands

T O P   U R G E N T    


          c/o: Judge Claude Jorda, President

          Judges Richard May, Patric Robinson,

          O-Gon Kwon, Trial Chamber III

          Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic, Mr. Steven

          Kay, Amicus Curiae


Subject: Medical team to visit president Milosevic        (Our faxes of November 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)


                   Dear Mr. Holtuis and Ms. Martinez,


          The medical condition of President Milosevic is again in acute worsening.

          We urge you to APPROVE IMMEDIATELY the visit of the team of medical specialists from the Military Medical Academy (VMA) in Belgrade, requested in our November faxes.

          There is no rule nor condition that could prevent responsible persons from appropriate action to protect a human life.

          The team of doctors from Belgrade is ready to go to The Hague any minute.

          We are expecting your call at +381 63 8862 301 or fax at +381 11 630 549.


Belgrade, December 23rd, 2002


            On behalf of the Freedom Association

          Bogoljub Bjelica, president



To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
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