
Tuesday, Jul. 24, 2001

Bush Plays it Clinton-esque in Kosovo

The President embraces the 'nation-building' project he questioned on
the campaign trail BY TONY KARON

The term nation-building was bandied about with more than a hint of
sarcasm when President Bush was bashing what he deemed the Clinton
administration's misguided use of the military abroad. And yet, as the
President lunched with U.S. peacekeeping troops at Kosovo's Camp
Bondsteel and sought to reassure the world that - contra his campaign
rhetoric - the U.S. had no intention of leaving the Balkans before its
NATO allies do, it was hard to escape the conclusion that the Bush team
has been forced to embrace the very policy of long-term peacekeeping
they had been so quick to decry during the campaign.

President Bush made clear the U.S. troops weren't coming home any time
soon, and some of his aides put the word out to the media that creating
conditions for their eventual withdrawal required the development of
democratic institutions in the Balkans - a process that, in Washington
shorthand, has come to be known as "nation-building."

Ironies aside, however, the fact that the Bush administration finds
itself adopting the same position as the Clinton administration is based
less on the efficacy of that policy, than on a common reluctance to
either antagonize NATO allies by baling out on a mission originally
initiated by Washington, or to deepen Western involvement.

The presence of Western peacekeeping troops in the Balkans has
stabilized Bosnia and Kosovo (except, of course, for those unfortunate
enough to belong to any of the territory's non-Albanian minorities). But
the nation-building project remains somewhat stillborn: democratic
elections in the various ethnic cantons of Bosnia routinely return
ultra-nationalist governments who show little interest in moving the
territory towards any sort of multicultural melting pot. And in Kosovo,
even though the moderate Ibrahim Rugova trounced the hawks of the
erstwhile Kosovo Liberation Army at the polls in local elections, it is
those hawks that continue to set the agenda by their cross-border
military adventurism.

The brutal reality of the Balkans could be that democracy's ability to
eradicate the region's tribal hatreds may be overstated. At the very
least, it would appear that the existence of democratic institutions
does not necessarily signal the dominance of a democratic, multiethnic
political culture. And that would mean the nation-building project may
be so long-term as to make the Balkan peacekeeping deployments a
relatively permanent affair.

It's not surprising, therefore, that President Bush has no taste for
deepening that commitment. He made abundantly clear, for example, that
Washington has no appetite for direct involvement in heading off the
looming civil war in neighboring Macedonia. He simply urged all sides to
return to the negotiating table and urged Kosovo's Albanians to stay out
of the fray. But renewed fighting in the town of Tetovo, sparked by
rebel forces taking advantage of a Western-brokered cease-fire to occupy
new territory, underlined doubts that NATO's diplomacy - preemptive
nation-building, if you like - will be sufficient to stop the slide into
civil war. And that would likely force NATO in to pick up the pieces in
yet another long-term "nation-building" operation.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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