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[Emperor's Clothes]

Dutch Expert: Milosevic Has A Good Case

On 12 July, Chris Black, head of legal work for the International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), held a press conference.
He announced that Milosevic's Dutch lawyers would take action in the
Dutch courts, contesting his kidnapping and incarceration at NATO's
'Tribunal' in The Hague. Black refused to reveal the details of Mr.
Milosevic's strategy. The following article from a Dutch newspaper, in
which an expert on international law discusses his possible strategy, is
speculation, but interesting nonetheless.

Note that the expert says:

"Strijards is of opinion the way the Tribunal has handled the
extradition, has been 'very unfortunate'. The fact that the President of
the Tribunal, judge Jorda, in advance and already before the lawsuit has
started, to the media has declared that the extradition of Milosevic
'judicial legitimate' was, is according to Strijards unwise. 'Can you
than speak of independent and impartial jurisdiction? He should have
waited till the lawsuit.'"

Strijards' point is well taken; if anything, he understates. One of the
main functions of the 'Tribunal' since its inception has been to issue
statements and stage 'photo-opportunities' attacking the Serbs and
supporting NATO. These attacks have included the crudest
yellow-journalism, with Tribunal officials posing next to supposed mass
grave sites and declaring that many bodies will be unearthed and that
Serbian forces will be found guilty.

The 'Tribunal' has been declaring President Milosevic guilty - and NATO
innocent - as far back as the bombing of Yugoslavia. For example, a few
weeks before the 'Tribunal' issued its indictment of Milosevich and
other Yugoslav leaders, prosecutor Louise Arbour held a joint press
conference with U.S. Secretary of State Albright. 

Excerpts from that press conference are posted in 'The Love Song of
Arbour and Albright' at
Suffice it to say that even before bringing so-called charges against
President Milosevich, Arbour allowed herself to be used as a poster girl
for NATO's virtue (she calls NATO countries her necessary "partners"!)
and Milosevic's 'guilt.'

These guys don't even make a decent pretence of impartiality.

-- Jared Israel



By Gertie Schouten 
Dutch morningpaper 'TROUW' 
Saturday, July 14, 2001 

Slobodan Milosevic has good arguments when he shortly will demand his
release before a Dutch judge. That is the opinion of Gerard Strijards,
professor of international criminal law at the University of Groningen. 

First, Article 15 of the (Dutch) Constitution says that no one can be
hold in detention, other than on basis of the Dutch law or judicial
order, something that is not applicable on Milosevic. 

Second, according to Strijards, Milosevic can allege that he has been
illegally 'kidnapped from his country. His extradition to the Yugoslav
Tribunal is namely in violation with Article 2 of the (Dutch)
Constitution, the Yugoslav law, and also Article 5 of the European
Treaty of Human Rights, in which is laid down the right for every person
to at least one time to appeal before a court, before his removal. 

Nevertheless, Strijards expect that the District Court, and in higher
appeal the Federal Court and the Supreme Court will declare the case
non-receptive, on the basis of the charter of the United Nations.
Article 103 of the Charter - a 'guillotine-regulation' - stipulates that
UN-regulations take precedents of the Dutch law, no matter the Dutch
constitutional principles. 

However, it becomes interesting according to Strijards, when the lawyers
of Milosevic in about a year of two, after all Dutch procedures have
been finished, will end at the European court of Human Rights in
Strasbourg. I this court there are also many judges from Eastern Europe
and many of them are very critical of the Yugoslav Tribunal. 

This court could possibly decide that the detention of Milosevic indeed
is in violation with fundamental rights. That could bring The
Netherlands in a very difficult judicial position, when the European
court demands his release against the wish of the Tribunal. 

Strijards is of opinion the way the Tribunal has handled the
extradition, has been 'very unfortunate'. The fact that the President of
the Tribunal, judge Jorda, in advance and already before the lawsuit has
started, to the media has declared that the extradition of Milosevic
'judicial legitimate' was, is according to Strijards unwise. "Can you
than speak of independent and impartial jurisdiction? He should have
waited till the lawsuit". 

The lawyers of Milosevic have said last Wednesday also to challenge the
legality of the Tribunal before the Dutch court, because it is created
by the UN Security Council and not the General Assembly. 

According to Strijards, this argument will not have a chance with the
Dutch judge. "He will not judge that."

Further Reading:

1) 'Milosevic Kidnapping to be Challenged in Dutch Courts' at 

2) "Milosevic: 'I Am the Moral Winner!'". Report from Chris Black on his
meeting with Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague. 

3) "Reichstag Fire Trial, the Sequel," by Jared Israel. Biting account
of Slobodan Milosevic's appearance the the 'Tribunal.' 

4) 'Arbour and Albright: Lovie-Dovie While Bombs Fell on Belgrade'
Excerpts from a joint press conference by Louise Arbour and U.S.
Secretary of State Albright, 1999. 

Can be read at 

In this press conference, held while NATO bombed Yugoslavia, "Arbour
allowed herself to be used as a poster girl for NATO's virtue (she calls
NATO countries her necessary "partners"!) and Milosevic's 'guilt.'"

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