30. juli 2001.

14:00 Novoimenovani savezni ministar finansija i predsednik Ekonomskog
saveta Demokratske stranke Srbije Jovan Rankovic izjavio je danas da je
"savezna drzava trenutno u prelaznom periodu, ali da ce to morati vrlo
brzo da se resi, jer drzava ne moze dugo ovako da funkcionise".

Newly appointed Federal Minister of Finance and president of the
Democratic Party of Serbia Economic council Jovan Rankovic stated today
that "the federal country was in transitional period right now, but that
woulf have to be solved soon, because the country can not function like
this for long".

13:45 U severnom delu Kosova danas nisu otvorena predvidjena
registraciona mesta. OEBS je predvideo ukupno 450 registracionih mesta
na Kosovu, a za sada nema obrazlozenja zbog cega na severu pokrajine
danas ona nisu otvorena.

Registration places in norhtern Kosovo were not opened today, as agreed.
OSCE scheduled 450 registration places in Kosovo, and so far there is no
explanation why they were not opened today.

13:30 Ministar trgovine u Vladi Republike Crne Gore Ivan Raicevic
izjavio je da Vlada Republike Srbije i dalje crnogorskim preduzecima
ogranicava nabavku mnogih roba u Srbiji, isticuci da da Crna Gora nije
preduzimala reciprocne mere.

Minister of Trade in Montenegrin Government Ivan Raicevic stated that
Serbian Government still restricts purchase of many types of merchandise
in Serbia to Montenegro, pointing out that Montenegro did not take
reciprocal measures.

13:15 Generalni direktor RTS-a Aleksandar Crkvenjakov izjavio je za da
konkurs za odredjen broj mesta u RTS-u "za koje nije mogao da pronadje
zadovoljavajuci dogovor, biti ponovljen".

General manager of the Radio-television of Serbia (RTS) Aleksandar
Crvenjakov stated that open competition for certain number of positions
in the RTS "that could not be filled with satisfactory agreement, would
be repeated".

13:00 Ambasador SR Jugoslavije u Vasingtonu Milan St. Protic ocenio je
da, iza osude osvestenja jugoslovenske ambasade u Vasingtonu, "stoje
isti oni koji su stajali iza prljavih napada" na njega dok je bio
gradonacelnik Beograda.

The FRY ambassador in Washington Milan St. Protic assessed that behind
condemnation of Yugoslav embassy in Washington sanctification, are "the
same those people who stood behind dirty attacks" on him while he was
Belgrade Mayor.

12:45 Komesar Srbije za izbeglice dr Sandra Raskovic-Ivic izjavila je
danas da je doveden u pitanje pocetak registracije raseljenih s Kosova i
Metohije za izbore planirane za 17. novembar. Problem je u tome sto
supervizori Medjunarodne organizacije za migracije ometaju registraciju
time sto ne dozvoljavaju da se formulari kopiraju kako bi i Komesarijat
mogao da ima evidenciju.

Serbian Commissar for refugees dr Sandra Raskovic-Ivic stated today that
beginning of registration of displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija
for elections planned for November 17, was endangered. The problem is
because supervisors of International Migrations Organization disrupt the
registration by not allowing forms to be copied so that the Commissariat
could keep records as well.

12:30 Evropski izaslanik za Makedoniju Fransoa Leotar danas je izrazio
nadu da ce tokom narednih dana doci do pozitivnih pomaka u pregovorima
izmedju Makedonaca i Albanaca kako bi se prekinuli sestomesecni sukobi
albanskih terorista i makedonskih snaga.

European envoy for Macedonia Francois Leotard expressed hope today that
during the next few day, positive steps in negotiations between
Macedonians and Albanians would follow, in order to stop six months
conflict between Albanian terrorists and Macedonian troops.

12:15 Medjunarodni tribunal za ratne zlocine u Hagu u cetvrtak, 2.
avgusta, saopstice presudu generalu VRS Radislavu Krsticu optuzenom za
genocid nad Muslimanima Srebrenice 1995. godine.

On Thursday, August 2, the Hague Tribunal will pronounce a verdict to
general of the Republika Srpska Army Radislav Krstic, accused of
genocide over Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995.

12:00 Predsednik Opstine Presevo i lider Partije za demokratsko
delovanje Riza Halimi danas je rekao da je za inicijativu da postane
clan koordinaciongo tela republicke i savezne vlade za jug Srbije saznao
iz medija i da mu nista slicno nije zvanicno ponudjeno.

President of Presevo municipality and the leader of the Party for
Democratic Action Riza Halimi said today that he heard for initiative to
become a member of coordinative body of the Republic and Federal
Government for southern Serbia from media, and that nothing similar has
been officially offered to him.

11:45 Predsednik Srpskog pokreta obnove Vuk Draskovic juce je izjavio da
ce ukoliko dodje do otcepljenja Crne Gore, Kosovo ostati u sastavu

President of the Serbian Renewal Movement Vuk Draskovic stated yesterday
that if it comes to secession of Montenegro, Kosovo would remain within

11:30 Jedan od lidera Srba sa severa Kosova Marko Jaksic ocenio je da je
neophodno organizovati konferenciju o Kosovu na kojoj bi tamosnji Srbi i
Albanci, uz prisustvo medjunarodne zajednice, resili osnovna pitanja
buducnosti te pokrajine.

One of the leaders of Serbs from northern Kosovo Marko Jaksic assessed
it was necessary to organize a conference about Kosovo at which local
Serbs and Albanians, with presence of international community, would
solve basic issues for future of the province.

11:15 Sef jugoslovenske diplomatije Goran Svilanovic i potpredsednik
srpske vlade Nebojsa Covic demantovali su juce da je tokom njihovog
nedavnog boravka u vojnoj bazi Ramstajn u Nemackoj bilo reci o
iznajmljivanju jugoslovenskih vojnih objekata i instalacija americkoj

Chief of Yugoslav diplomacy Goran Svilanovic and vice president of
Serbian Government Nebojsa Covic refuted yesterday that, during their
recent visit to military base Ramstein in Germany there were talks on
renting Yugoslav military objects and installations to American army.

11:00 Potpredsednik Vlade Srbije i lider Saveza vojvodjanskih Madjara
Jozef Kasa izrazio je uverenje da che Demokratska opozicija Srbije
sazvati sednicu posvecenu polozaju Vojvodine.

Vice president of Serbian Government and leader of the Alliance of
Hungarians from Vojvodina Jozef Kasa believes that the Democratic
Opposition of Serbia would scheduled session dedicated to status of

10:45 Tokom patrole, vojnici treceg bataljona, sedmog pesadijskog puka
otkrili su oruzje u cetvrtak popodne. Vojnici multinacionalne brigade
Istok pronasli su 60 rucnih bombi, 580 metaka 7.62 mm, 40 stapina
dinamita, cetiri SKS puske i jedan bacac granata u kuci nedaleko od
granice izmedju Kosova i Makedonije. Oruzje pripada pripadnicima tzv.
OVPMB i bice unisteno.

While on patrol, soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment
discovered a weapons cache Thursday afternoon. MNB (E) soldiers found 60
hand grenades, 580 rounds of 7.62-millimeter ammunition, 40 blocks of
dynamite, four SKS rifles, and one grenade launcher in a house near the
Kosovo/Former Republic of Yugoslav boundary. The weapons belong to so
called UCPBM members and will be destroyed.

10:30 Vlasnik detektivske agencije "SIA" Bozidar Spasic tvrdi da je
tokom nedavne posete Mire Markovic Slobodanu Milosevicu u Haskom
tribunalu postignut dogovor da ona preuzme rukovodjenje Socijalistickom
partijom Srbije.

Owner of detective agency "SIA" Bozidar Spasic claims that during recent
visit of Mira Mrkovic to Slobodan Milosevic in the Hague Tribunal, it
was agreed that would be president of the Socialist Party of Serbia.

10:15 Skupstina Crne Gore trebalo bi sutra da donese odluku o formiranju
parlamentarne komisije koja bi ispitala navode zagrebackog nedeljnika
"Nacional" o duvanskoj aferi u Crnoj Gori, u koju je navodno umesan i
predsednik Crne Gore Milo Djukanovic.

Montenegrin PRaliament should tomorow pass a decision on forming of
parliamentary commission that would examine citings of "Nacional" weekly
from Zagreb about cigarette affair in Montenegro, in which was allegedly
involved Montenegrin PResident Milo Djukanovic.

10:00 Predsednik Socijalisticke narodne partije Predrag Bulatovic
izjavio je da ocekuje da ce u petak, 10. avgusta, biti nastavljen rad
Radne grupe DOS-a i Koalicije "Zajedno za Jugoslaviju" na tekstu
platforme o novim odnosima Crne Gore i Srbije.

President of the Socialist People's Party Predrag Bulatovic stated he
expected continuation of Working group of the Democratic Opposition of
Serbia and Coalition "Zajedno za Jugoslaviju" on text of platform on new
relations between Montenegro and Serbia, to be on Friday, August 10.

09:45 Konvoj tetovskih izbeglica koji je zajedno sa specijalnim
jedinicama pratio makedonski ministar policije Ljube Boskovski napadnut
je sinoc u Tetovu. U ovom incidentu nije bilo povredjenih.

A convoy of refugees from Tetovo was attacked last night in Tetovo. The
convoy was escorted by Macedonian Police Minister Ljube Boskovski and
special police units, and there were no injured in the attack.

09:30 Pregovori o mirnom resenju krize u Makedoniji danas ce se
nastaviti, posto sinoc nije postignut nikakav napredak.

Negotiations on peace solution of the crisis in Macedonia will continue
today, since there was no improvement in the negotiations last night.

09:15 Danas pocinje registracija biraca sa Kosova i Metohije koji se
nalaze u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Registracija biraca ce trajati, kako je
najavio OEBS, do 8. septembra.

Registration of voters from Kosovo and Metohija that are in Serbia and
Montenegro begins today. The registration will last, as OSCE has
announced, till September 8.

00:00 Americki ambasador u Beogradu Vilijam Montgomeri okarakterisao je
u nedelju kao "potpunu izmisljotinu" tvrdnju da su sa predstavnicima
vlasti u Beogradu vodjeni razgovori o upotrebi objekata Vojske
Jugoslavije od strane NATO.

U.S. ambassador in Belgrade William Montgomery characterized today as a
"complete concoction" assertion that there were talks led with
representatives of authorities from Belgrade about the NATO's use of the
Yugoslav Army's military installations.

23:40 Medjunarodni tribunal za ratne zlocine u Hagu ce u cetvrtak 2.
avgusta saopstiti presudu generalu Vojske Republike Srpske Radislavu
Krsticu optuzenom za genocid nad Muslimanima u Srebrenici 1995. godine.

On Thursday, August 2nd, the ICTY in Hague will pronounce a verdict to
former general of Army of Republic of Srpska Radoslav Krstic accused
with genocide over Moslems in Srebrenica in 1995.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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